Kenton ate more than he put into the bucket.
Becket had his first taste of blueberries. I tried picking while holding him on my hip and this is what happened.
It would have been better if I hadn't been so worried about them being a choking hazard. Not to mention he also picked green ones, leaves, and at one point was gnawing on a branch. I bit the berries in half for him to eat before we stopped for a picnic lunch that Gram had brought. After lunch Mark entertained him in the shop while I did some serious speed picking with Caleb and Kenton. When all was done we had about 40 pounds of berries for eating and freezing. Here is a sculpture Caleb made of the berries awaiting the freezer. I thought it looked like Gandalf and his army!
Look at those blueberry bushes! I've only ever seen "low-bush" blueberries in Newfoundland and I'm shocked by the size of a "high-bush". Wow! The things I learn from blogs....
I like your blog! And your kids are adorable too...
When I grow up (and graduate from dishcloths), I want to knit just like you. Amazing!!!!
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