
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pretty Things

I can't stand it - I pulled out some things for new projects. I may just look at them - I may start them. I SHOULD be sewing down binding on two others.

First some Aviary for my mom. I won an Aviary honeybun, charm pack, and turnover among other fun stuff before Christmas from Moda...Home...Mom. I wrote a song about Moda to the Christmas tune of 'I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas'. Super fun! I bought a few yard cuts and will use the honeybun to make a Fig Tree pattern. I'm still looking for good ways to use the turnover, so let me know if you have a suggestion.

Then I pulled out some green linen and my stash of pinks thinking about a pinwheel quilt.

On another note, I found this cute little guy in the dollar bin at Target! Reminds me of the Heather Ross fabric I love but can't find. Hopefully it will bring me good luck.


  1. Fun stuff. It's really hard for me not to start new things. Which is why I think I have 13-14 quilts going right now. But 2 are pinned. One is getting ready to be pinned and I just finished one and have the binding to hand sew. New stuff is soooooo much fun!!!:)

  2. I totally want one of those toadstools! I was just at the dollar bin at Target yesterday and didn't see any. Rats.
