
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quilt nightmare

My oldest and youngest sons were both confirmed positive for type A flu yesterday. So I've been laying on the floor with the youngest in his fever the last two nights. I covered up with my Neptune coin quilt - it was so nice and cozy (but could be a touch wider and longer). During one snippet of sleep, I dreamed that the quilt did not survive the night, with many areas of binding coming off and the quilting unraveling! In Becket's words, "Mama, this is a bad day."

It looks like the fevers have since broke and with the help of five Tamiflu precriptions, one for each of us, things will continue to improve. My quilt survived and I was able to finish the binding on another during nap time. Both are going into the wash. Hopefully the clouds clear tomorrow and I can get some good pictures of the newly crinkled quilt.


  1. Boo on the flu, hope everyone gets better soon. And that dream would freak me out, too! :-)

  2. Hope you are all feeling better! (hoping you get some much needed sewing time soon!) The dreaded lurgy is trying to invade us all down under!


  3. you are a good mom... sleeping on the floor aint easy.... i've done it... i'm glad your neptune quilt is in one piece.. i'm in love with that one!!

  4. I hope you all feel better soon, there is nothing worse than children being sick...and glad to hear the quilt survived!

  5. Oh no!!! I hope you are all feeling better soon!!!

  6. awww, mama!!! healing energy to all of you, and i hope you enjoy the feverish, snotty snuggles, knowing you are doing a good job taking care of your boys!

  7. Hope you all feel better soon.

  8. Oh gosh, get better, guys! I know my kids would have soiled all my quilts by that point.
