
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

First Day

Today was the first day of preschool for Becket. He decorated the tote bag they all are given to carry, and is clutching a picture of us that I printed out for him. His teacher said there were a few tears, but the photo had helped. Becket said he had fun, but he's good with just staying home all the time. I foresee a difficult time getting him out of the van on Thursday morning!

My triangles are coming together nicely, and have resolved themselves into a nice pattern.


  1. It's looking good so far :-)

  2. I am so looking forward to seeing more of your windmill quilt top, I have fabric picked out for one and am very curious as to how other quilters have put theirs together. I love that you sent a family picture with Becket, cute idea!

  3. Well done on the first big drop off does get worse befroe it gets better, well it did with my little one anyway. Your triangles are coming along beautifully, I really like the block layout.

    Oh and by the way...onto eclipse. So tragically hooked x

  4. i can not wait to see the finished top....the snippets line is one of my current favorites

  5. It will get better. Before you know it you will be dropping them off at kindergarten (that is what I had to do this morning). And they will be so excited they will be skipping the while way to class.

    As usual, I love the quilt design. I am hoping to finish quilting mine this week and do the binding next week.

  6. It looks great. That block is on my to do list.
