
Monday, October 12, 2009

Cave Adventure

No quilting this past weekend. I and the two older boys TENT CAMPED - **26deg** overnight temperature - in Iowa.

Amazingly, we had enough warm stuff and didn't die of hypothermia. I had to keep the camera in my pocket with two hand warmers for the batteries to work. We were with their boy scout troop. Lots of boys having fun in the wilderness.

If the weather didn't kill us, the claustrophobia nearly tried to do me in. They convinced me to turn off my head lamp...I lasted about 2 seconds in the complete darkness. I pretty much blinded them with my flash for this picture.

One of their favorites - the way in and out of this one was perhaps 10 inches. Kind of like birth - had to turn your head then roll your shoulders and hips out before belly sliding out the other end.

Kenton said it was the best weekend ever - even better than Hawaii.
edit: My husband was trying to be supportive and praised all the nice comments that came in over the weekend for the Fall Quilt Festvial. He said he also liked the "little gnomes and the Hunky Pinky fabric". Umm - that's Figgy Pudding dear.


  1. What an awesome way to spend the weekend! They looked like they were in their element and bless you, Mom, for being there!

  2. You deserve a medal of Honor for this weekend!! You have got to be the coolest Mom!!

  3. Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with Hawaii. It is written in our marriage contract somewhere that I will not camp.

  4. ugh just looking at the pictures of those little boys and thinking about them having to squeeze through such a little place freaked me out...i got claustrophobic sitting right here in my living room.

  5. brrrrr. that is too cold to be camping!
