
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

mini seven: gnome

Why, hello there! A sweet little gnome and his mushroom

Snail pattern by Jennifer Ofenstein

Visited by a friendly woodland snail.

I wanted to do at least one paper pieced quilt, and with the gnome thing I had going so far, these cute guys were the obvious choice.

Once again, Figgy Pudding (with a linen mushroom stump and random stash white) I created the creatures, then played around until I could get them to look like a quilt. I really like the little windows-onto-the-woods thing I ended up with.

It's about 14"x16.5" and I don't know if I'll be able to give this one up!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your gnome. oh, that would be hard to give up!

  2. I am IN LOVE with that snail! So cute!

  3. Oh my goodness this is amazing... you're going to have to give it up because I'm coming to steal it :)

  4. I love the snail. Where do you find out about paper piecing? Is this using freezer paper?

  5. Oh WOW!! This is just stunning, There is no way I would be able to let this go! Thanks for the links too!!

  6. I don't know how you're going to give up ANY of them! They're all individually awesome, and the sum total is just incredible.


  7. I love the snail and this one is too fabulous to giveaway!

  8. Don't give it away. I love paper piecing and the one you have done is so incredible.

  9. sometimes giving them up when we really, really like them is very hard! this one sure is cute!

  10. Another great one. Love the gnome and snail.

  11. Ohhh...I don't know if I could give that one up either! The mushroom and the snail are just too adorable!

    Great good on this one....oh yeah I think that I would also fight to get this one!

  12. you and the tiny paper pieced stuff.. great work.. i know i couldn't do it!!

  13. You are beyond amazing. Inspired!

  14. I love it! I look forward to seeing each mini you make. They are so'll have to take a photo of them all together.

  15. Ah, it's just adorable! Thanks so much for letting me know about your sweet quilt so I could come have a peek. And a big thanks for using my snail pattern...he's never looked sweeter!

  16. such a fresh quilt design and color! it's great. just found your sweet blog so i'm off to read more!!

  17. LOVE this! It is so adorable!

  18. I LOVE your little gnome project...
    Where do you find all your munki fabric? I'm obsessed with looking for some online but cannot get over some of the prices...oy vey...
    Peggy in NJ
