
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Under Construction

Not just cathedral window blocks and tutorials....

but me, actually.

Pretty much a total surprise decision - I'm scheduled for Lasik Thursday morning.  I've said for years that I was too creeped out by it to do it.  I went to a consultation on Thursday, just considering it, and left having picked THE DAY for the 13th.  These cathedral window instructions are going to have to wait a bit.

I can think about it without feeling like I'm going to throw up or faint, so I guess I'll go through with the procedure.  So many people I know have already done it - recently and 10+ years ago, all very happy.  I'm still pretty freaked out, but ready.

To get ready, I've cleaned most of the house.  You're not supposed to be in dusty environments for a week or so for the cut to get a good start on healing.  Thought cleaning would be better than booking a hotel for a week.  Besides, if I go blind or die, and people have to come to my house to help, they can't see it dirty, right?!   I'm thinking quilting is going to be in the category of 'dusty'.  With all the trimming and stitching, there's always fuzz around my machine area, so I'll try to avoid my projects for 7 days, if I can.

I'm also making a spreadsheet to keep track of the million eye drops.  I'll have four different solutions, with something going into my eyes every half hour while awake for a full week, then every hour for a month.  Spreadsheets are a good stress reducer.

The need for order is obviously genetic.  The pin fairy (Becket) visited my area, arranging my owl just-so.  He amazingly found a way to make it all very symmetric!

See you all next week.  Hopefully! (yep,a bit nervous)


  1. you'll be fine - I went thru LASIK no problem, but was WAY to squeamish to watch when my hubs got it done. And no joke - that extra 5 minutes you save in the morning by not dealing with glasses & contacts is SOOOO worth it! The quantity of eye drops seems a bit excessive, I guess you'll have to set a timer for yourself to keep on track.

  2. I so want Lasik one day... :)

    Good luck! We'll miss you! :)

  3. Good Luck!!! You will be fine. You've gone to an experienced Dr. and he/she will do fine!! AND, I can wait for the instructions much later than a week. So, put your health 1st!! My eyes keep changing and I'm 42. So, I have put off Lasik (or making an excuse because I'm scared as well) until my eyes make a final change. I'm almost there... I think. I have only heard how great everyone loves it once it's done. So, go for it!! You have many blogger friends that will keep you in their prayers!!

  4. Good for you. I'm considering having it also, but so far haven't taken the final step. My brother had it a couple years ago and says he wishes he'd done it sooner. I'll be interested in hearing how you are doing.

  5. You'll do great! Both my sisters had it done... my middle sister was soooo nervous about it but afterwards she said she wished she'd done it sooner. Make sure you put your feet up and rest well after! :)

  6. Good luck on the 13th. You'll be so happy you did the Lasik! I had it done about 11 years ago. I was squeamish too (couldn't put contacts in my eyes until I was in college) but dealt with it by not thinking about it...very mature..right? Keeping your eyes moist will help. Best wishes.

  7. It's so awesome! I had it done about 4 years ago and I have ZERO regrets. It's so amazing to be able to SEE without glasses or contacts. It is creepy, but it only takes a minute. I'd say the discomfort level is about the same as a annual exam at the OB/GYN. My husband video taped my procedure (weirdo!). I watched it once and that was way worse than actually having it done.

    Good luck!

  8. Good luck with the Lasik! Everyone I know who has done it, even though they were super nervous, has LOVED the results and said it was totally worth it. Hoping the procedure and recovery are quick and easy!

  9. You will be fine. I did it last January and didn't regret it at all. I have had some problems with dry eyes, but they pretty much tell you to expect that. I love being able to see when I wake up in the morning instead of have to hold the alarm clock 2 inches from my face to see the time.

  10. Oh wow, good luck! I'm hoping to get lasik next year, maybe? I don't want to wait and be too old for it...

  11. Hope all goes well Angela! Take care of you.

  12. waiting patiently for the tutorial...wishing you all the best and success for the procedure and recovery and loving the OCDness of the owl!

  13. Good luck! I'll be thinking about you. Take all the time you need to recover.

  14. you are going to love husband had it done about 6 years ago and has never had a problem and can see perfectly. the funniest thing about when he got it done was the silly goggles he had to sleep in so he would not rub the eyes in his was like sleeping next to a ant or an alien

  15. You'll be fine. It's a piece of cake. I had mine about 10 years ago and I almost can't even remember now what it was like to deal with glasses and contacts.

    So don't worry about the procedure. Of course, it helped that my guy gave me a valium before the surgery. Knocked me on my a$$, but at least I wasn't freaking out! : )

  16. good luck. Be sure to keep all the info and records. If you ever need cataract surgery they'll need that info.

  17. I had lasik done 9 years ago and have loved every minute of it. My eyes were itchy for about a week, but no problems at all.
    SO nice not to have to have glasses to read the alarm clock!

  18. Oh my! We're all sending you good vibes - you know that! All the best. Take care

  19. Good Luck!!!! You must be there now or maybe even home already. I'd be a nervous wreck too, I'm not good with that stuff. I'm sure you'll do great!

  20. Good luck with Lasik! Can't wait to see how the cathedral turns out...
