
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Helper Outtakes

It had been horribly gloomy, wet and cold here - it's finally sunny (huzzah!) but at 35deg and flurries, not exactly prime spring break weather.

The last couple weeks trying to get good pictures of my finished Hobson quilts was tricky so I hoped to catch as much light as I could inside our sunroom.

Unfortunately I had to deal with both a zombie and giant invasion (the lego dudes without heads are zombies, playmobile dudes without hair are giants).  The strange result of a 5yr old hanging out with the teen brothers.  

You can see I was permitted only that little back corner.

I left the quilt and camera for a bit to find another good spot and quilt holder.  Becket decided to take things into his own hands and take the pictures himself.  Probably to get my stuff out of his area.

But first a few guys moved in to hide.  And he seems to be working on his toes-in-the-picture blog photos.


  1. Becket is a cutie... and I love the zombie and giant invasion!

  2. love those flowers and that quilt! the toes are sweet too!

  3. Fantastic Photograph by Becket and that is quite the invasion there! Hope you have more spring sunshine then snow. We having quite the showers here today!

  4. that is a really creative picture...especially the toes

  5. Lol! This looks like very familiar territory. I love the toes. And the quilt. You are amazing.
