
Monday, April 04, 2011

Cathedral Windows Tutorial : Wing It OCD

[Moda's Bakeshop changed since it was published - I will post the tutorial here on my blog once I can re-create it!]

Finally, my Cathedral Windows tutorial is live - I've been patiently waiting my turn!  

I made a fun pair of pillows.

I was tempted to name my project: Just Wing It {NOT!} 

I got to use the fabulous new MoMo line Just Wing It, but as is most of my quilting, the cathedral windows border on OCD - the furthest possible thing from winging it. 

Optimized result with an efficient process, that's from the engineer in me.  I've included all the little tricks I use to keep things square, flat, and pointy.  Exactly how I like my windows!

Here's a little bonus project.   Use one of your first folding attempts or the most wonky, extra window and two charm squares to make a cute pincushion. 

Jump over to the bake shop and say hi!


  1. Congratulations! Awesome pillows!

  2. awesome pillows! bookmarking the tutorial, for sure!

  3. Congrats! Your tutorial looks great and I would really love to have one of those pillows. Maybe I need to give it a try finally.

  4. beautiful Angela! I've been looking forward to this. great job. :)

  5. So excited for you!!!! I've never tried these and now I will for sure! Wonderful, those pillows are amazing.

  6. I write in the blog from moda bake shop, but i want to give again my congratulation for the tuto. I hope i can do this proyect soon because i fall in love with your pillows!!!
    Sorry because my englisg it's not good! thanks again!!!

  7. Congrats! These are so beautiful! Definitely on my to-do list. Although I don't see how I'll get mine as gorgeously perfect as yours. : )

  8. Awesome tutorial! The last time I tried a cathedral window was 20 years ago and it was horrible. I think it's time to try again!

  9. So excited for this tutorial! I have also been patiently waiting for the tutorial since you first mentioned you were perfecting the Cathedral Window process. Can't wait to try it out.

  10. Rock star! Gah, now to make my own :)

  11. gorgeous!! i'm not sure i would have the patience for that pattern but those beautiful pillows have me tempted. :) thanks for stopping by friend. :)

  12. this is one of the best MBS projects ever! LOVE IT! Will definitely be making one or ten of these!

  13. Wow, I love those. I don't think I'll be attempting that anytime soon! Great job and congrats on the tutorial!

  14. Thank you so much, it´s a great toturial! I´ll try it some day, thats for sure ☺

  15. Awesome and Congrats!!! I will bookmark this for sure!

  16. Thank you for this great tutorial!! I've tried the cathedral window before and gave up when it looked horrible so I appreciate your detailed tutorial showing how to line up the creases perfectly and to put the bad corners on the outside of the pillow. Your beautiful pillows have inspired me to try again!

  17. You make such beautiful things! I love the pin cushion!

  18. I tried your tutorial and was so pleased at how well it worked!! I have always wanted to do the Cathedral Windows but was afraid to try. I have finished the first one in Sunkissed fabric and am now trying to decide what to use for the second one. Blues or greens of some type I think. You can see it on my blog and thanks again.

  19. your OCD has paid off. the pillow look so amazing!

  20. as a former mechanical engineer as well... a big thank you for breaking down and demystifying the cathedral windows! this project is slowly moving up my priority list...
