First, thank you for all the kind words for Portia. She certainly wasn't running around the house and barking, but the house is strangely quite now that she is gone.
That's saying something, as there are still three boys in the house that are getting to the end of summer vacation and will argue about ANYTHING. Which muscle is the strongest (tongue or heart), if you put dry ice on your arm would it freeze your skin from the outside or burn you from the inside, and would you classify Black Jack as a type of poker or is it a game unto itself. All earth shattering topics - debated endlessly - with no resolution even with internet found facts. I think that dry ice thing has been going on for at least a week and a half now.

We did have some fun Tuesday watching Becket try out the high dive, though. And finish up swim lessons.

I have a couple quilts ready for binding as we travel, and I was super excited with trying all kinds of new stuff on them. For the batting I actually used up some scraps by joining two pieces. It worked so well!

And I think I have ditched the pins forever. All the cool kids are using spray baste, I had some stashed away that was bought with a JoAnn's coupon, and finally decided to give it a try.

LOVED it. Not a single pucker, which was my biggest worry. And it didn't seem too messy.
I hate the whole basting process, which is probably why I have so many tops just waiting to be quilted. This took so much less time and I loved not having to unpin while stippling. I also ordered some 505 that just arrived. I'll try it next and compare!