
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My B-Becket!

On the bus for the first time to Kindergarten!  He's cute in the little uniform and so a bunch of pictures to document the event.

Becket's first day
Dad is going to take too many pictures...

Becket's first day
Backpacks are fun

Becket's first day
I'll scrunch down like you, Dad.....

Already properly scuffed
...which gives his dress shoes the proper first scuffs!

Becket's first day
Running to the bus corner.

Becket's first day
Playing some Simon Says to pass the time.

Becket's first day

Becket's first day
"We've been here like 20 minutes Mom"  Um, sorry.  Caleb's bus pulls away at least 10 minutes ahead of schedule every day.  I didn't want to miss it!

Becket's first day
There is a LOT of waiting during 20 minutes.

Becket's first day
It's here!

Becket's first day
The nice bus driver lets me snap a quick picture.  Becket looks happy!

I quickly hopped into the car and drove over to the church - only beat the bus there by a few minutes.  I hid and watched him get off - he looked happy and spoingy.  Then the bus driver pulled up and said they did great!

I hope he has lots of fun.



  1. A momentous day for you all! What a wonderful bunch of photos to document the beginning of Becket's school career.....

  2. Such a big step! I hope he had a great day.

  3. I don't know who's cuter, you or him! I love that you followed the bus and hid and watched him, your such a good mom :) I bet he LOVED his first day! What a big moment.

  4. You have one gorgeous boy !
    My baby is in grade 6 and his first day of school is on video ( long story ).
    Love your little hexie needle case I found it last year and made one each for christmas gifts for my sewing group.
    Thanks Michelle.

  5. what a big guy!!! it must be strange to have all of your littles off to school every day

  6. So sweet! Love the picture of you two together. I need to have someone snap one of my and my little guy tomorrow.

    I can't believe this stage of my life has come - it always seemed so far away and now it doesn't feel nearly as epic as I thought it would. I may feel differently tomorrow. :)
