
Friday, November 18, 2011

Four Pillows Plumping.....

Finished up my four Christmas Tree Pillows.

Christmas Tree Pillows

I was really happy with how my zippers turned out.

And then stuffed with down pillow forms from Crate and Barrel. At only $12 for the 20" inserts, they're a great deal - and very nice!

Christmas Tree Pillows

I try to stay out of the Crate and Barrel Outlet so close to my house. I can't always resist the treasures one can find there.

Crazy deal at C&B

Amazingly, I didn't buy one thing off that wall of Marimekko.  But I know where I'm going to my next quilt back!

At 3.95 how do I not buy a bunch?!


  1. Wow I can't believe your restraint. At that price I would bought yards and yards.
    Love your pillows BTW! Might have to copy you. As I need to make a few Christmas pillows for my quilt guild.

  2. I can't believe you didn't buy any either! Where IS this outlet???

  3. Where is that outlet - I would go crazy buying fabric if I had that close to me!!!

  4. Beautiful pillows.
    You have very good self-control. I don't think I could have resisted.

  5. Wonderful pillows and what a great buy on the inserts!! I'm going to have to look for an outlet.

  6. I am swooning over your gorgeous pillows! I might just have to try and make my own...thanks for sharing! Smiles~Beth

  7. These pillows are fantastic!

    And I've moved away from my C&B outlet...but I know I couldn't resist all that Marimekko! Gorgeous!

  8. awwww, man! My Ikea doesn't have yardage :(
