I'm still alive, and mostly just sewing bee blocks. The new spring lacrosse season has begun, with Caleb on the High School JV team - so mostly I drive to/from practices and games all week.
Luckily, friends send super pretty, soft fabrics to play with! Elizabeth is going to have a gorgeous AMH voile quilt of squares.

Emily's month was very cool, too. She send an amazing Joel Dewberry package - we were to make a block with the offset, wide border and white frame, then free reign to do whatever we wanted inside that window.
I went with what is most fun for me - sew/chop/sew/chop/add-turn/chop/sew. I love to see where each new step takes the fabric before deciding what to do next.

As I was looking over the plan that Brooke has for us (Be sure to check it out - it's an awesome use of all those color wheel swap charms we have), I realized that I'm up next in May.
But all we've been doing is enjoy the crazy early summer thing going on here. And during the past week it was spring break, which we started with a trip into the city.
Becket had tons of fun playing in the rain at The Bean (actually named The Cloud Gate or something like that, but everybody calls it The Bean). It's been here for years and this is the first time we've been to it. You never do stuff that's near your home, do you!
I like this self portrait - the geometric, bent in the curve of the bean - neutrals with just a bit of blues and lime green.
Seemed like a good quilt plan to me.
Except that I realized it's pretty much what I always do for bee blocks. I'll have to come up with something different. But I certainly like what I like.
Which is more difficult - worry over doing a friend's block just right, or deciding what you'll want made for your own month?!
Gorgeous blocks! Love the dark blues...
Hard to say on the difficulty. I always try to sew better when I know it's for someone else but I also have a heck of a time deciding what I'm going to make next... But I'm not in a bee, and those are probably two of the biggest reasons why. :-)
Love the blocks! I didn't do a bee this year, instead I'm trying to use of fabric in my stash and chip away at my own list of things to make. But I sure do miss the challenge! And I have to say working on someone else's block always gave me more stress then deciding what I want to do.
I love that you went to the bean! It's my favorite part of the city - I take my 11 yr old niece there every summer when she comes to stay with us.
We do still need to meet up sometime - what's your schedule for the next CMQG meeting? April 22nd and we'll get to hear Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio talk, it should be a good time!!
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