
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Relaxing before the Chaos

A quiet half hour on my quilt
with a DQ peanut butter bash (super yummy!) 
and Amanda Jean and Cheryl's book
as I count down only 3 more school days left in the year

My kind of picnic while waiting to pick up the kindergartner

And a funny exchange this morning....

Mark: Who opens the water bottles and puts them back after taking only a couple sips?
Becket: Me. I take a cool drink. It's refreshing, Dad.

Can't argue with that.



  1. love this honey bought it for me a few weeks ago and there are so many great projects and ideas in there. yummy sundae

  2. Great way to relax! Fabulous book! My daughter finished school today. Summer vacation has officially started for us. Still wondering where in the world this school year went!

  3. Peanut butter bash? I don't think we have those here. Regional differences... I hope you've been spared the RiDQulous commercials. :-)
