
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Want Fabric...{Stash 2013}

'Want' is exactly correct.

For sure I don't NEED any :)

stash 2013
Messy Stash

I've been tracking my stash for three years.  Nothing better than a good spreadsheet.

So, how did 2012 go?  Glad you asked.


Things were going pretty well until I started my shopping for the perfect ocean blues in June/July.

(About 62 yards showed up at my door....blues and a few others fell into my online carts....ooops)

I ended the year only 33 yards up, and I didn't even make a stop at The Fabric Shack while in Ohio over the holidays. I really do like trying to use the fabulous fabrics I have, before I don't like them anymore.  Overall, I say 2012 was pretty good stash-wise.

orange and yellow

Last week, a couple of great tonal prints were in the clearance section at the shop.  I always seem to need a good orange or yellow, so I grabbed these at half off.   Besides, nothing had been added to the stash since early November!

boy blue
Blue if it's a Boy....

Here's the real question, though.  Will I be making a little girl quilt or a little boy quilt?!

Ok, I don't actually need a single scrap of blue, and I'm pretty good with pink/purple as well.  But I have deemed a new baby a valid reason to buy fabric.

I'm looking forward to poking a few buttons, once I know.  Just have to control the fun and avoid shipping 50+ yards to the house.

girl pink
Pink if it's a Girl....

Friday is the day for my ultrasound. Can. Not. Wait.



  1. Wow! I am in awe of your stash.
    And yeah, about the baby too...Congratulations!

  2. oh how I dream of a stash like that one day.:)

  3. Congratulations! We have all girls (5) over here so it is all pink all the time. :)
    Love your fabric!

  4. oh, Angela, that's so very exciting!!!!! You totally need some more fabric. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  5. Congrats on the baby! I have four and it is quite a challenge. You seem like you will be able to handle it though. LOVE your stash! My husband would flip if I ever sent 62 yard to my house!!!! =)

  6. So so exciting! A girl sure would be fun, but you're already an expert at being a boy mom!

  7. So excited for you!

    And I was thinking about your spreadsheet this month - I want to do something similar to track my stash this year and make sure more goes out than comes in. I think I have around 100 yards but I won't know until I count it…. Yikes!

  8. I love your stash! Congrats on the baby.

  9. A new baby on the way? How exciting!!! ... and YES! That's the perfect reason to purchase new fabric!


  10. Congratulations!
    And many blessings to you! ♥

  11. Ha! Every 2 wks: 14 yds out, 20 yds in. The potential I see in beautiful fabrics is endless. And despite serious production of gorgeous quilts, I am losing the stash busting goal. Ha! Off to create some more beauty...

  12. Ooh... Sonograms are my favorite doctor visit!

  13. No matter what colour you end up using, I am sure the quilt will be super awesome because baby has one talented mama and sweet and thoughtful brothers to love it to bits.

    Wish I could organize my stash so nicely. I am on a stash moratorium. We shall see how long *that* lasts.

  14. OMG - that's awesome! I'll be praying for PINK! Congrats! Jenn

  15. What is the name of the yellow on yellow dot you picked up recently? I am collecting yellow/green for a quilt for my oldest who is going to Baylor in the fall.

  16. Oh wow, I love that you have a spreadsheet to catalogue your stash.
