
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thread Prep

thread tall

I am so excited!

Over Mother's Day weekend I'm going to a retreat with Amanda Jean.

Perfect timing -
all thread is 50% off,
plus I had an additional 20% coupon at JoAnn's. 

Spools to match
all 40 fat quarters.

It was a blast as I pulled  favorite fabrics to create the front and back of my retreat project quilt.


  1. Ooh, that photo makes me happy! I got some (much less exciting) thread and batting at 50% off + 20% off coupon. It makes spending money on those essentials less painful.

  2. Love those colors - can't wait to see them in the quilt. Have fun! And thanks as always for blogging and sharing!

  3. I was excited over buying just four spools. I would have been crazy wild if I had all of those colors! Maybe a second trip is in order. I didn't have a 20% coupon though! Must get to googling...

  4. They all look so pretty together!

  5. Lucky! I wish I were going to that retreat!! : ) Have fun!

  6. Thanks again for the head's up on the sale. I just got back from getting my own small army of thread spools! Looking forward to seeing what your quilt for the retreat will be like!

  7. Score!!!

    Enjoy the retreat - so jealous. :-)

  8. Ahhhhh, pretty thread! Have a great time at the retreat, can't wait to see what you make!
