Those points are GORGOUS! And I know exactly what you mean when you're excited about soemthing stitchy and there's no one to share it with other than hubby who doesn't give a fig. :P
Very impressed! I totally get your excitement. When I finished my first Swoon block, I was ecstatic because my points were as close to perfect as I had ever gotten. My mum did not share my enthusiasm and glee when I was showing her and oohing about my points.... Lol.
Seriously impressive!!
Those points are really spot on! Great job! Jenn
I totally know what you mean! Those look great.
looks great! I understand your excitement :-)
Those points are GORGOUS! And I know exactly what you mean when you're excited about soemthing stitchy and there's no one to share it with other than hubby who doesn't give a fig. :P
I love it too! Such a feeling of accomplishment and "Wow!"...such a beautiful, and teasing, picture!
I'm celebrating with you!
i am most certainly amazed by them....they are so precise!!
Very impressed! I totally get your excitement. When I finished my first Swoon block, I was ecstatic because my points were as close to perfect as I had ever gotten. My mum did not share my enthusiasm and glee when I was showing her and oohing about my points.... Lol.
Those are beautiful points and are worthy of celebration!
you should hear me give myself all kinds of congratulations when I get points like that... and with diamonds??? /insert wolf whistle...
my heart actually skipped a beat when i saw the points in that photo! seriously, it did.
Very impressive! I only get those perfect points with squares. But then I am as happy as you :)
Wow - those are perfect! Isn't it awesome to have a place to share those kinds of things? What did sewers do before blogs?
Oh honey, I´m so sorry you were alone at that magical moment!!! Lovely and perfect points!!
Congratulations from Buenos Aires!!
Wow! How did you do that?
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