Her Cell Phone Wristlet was super fun to make! And I finished just in time to take it to a water park birthday party.
Once I got the pieces cut and ready, it took me almost exactly 2 hours start to finish.

Love that it has a spot for some money and credit cards.

Even that pocket is lined! And the zipper bit is quite easy, if you're new to that kind of thing.

That's the back open - look at all those Park Slope pebbles.
I'm getting tot he end of my pieces of it. I was so brave to cut into it!

My little camera also fits inside.
So lots of uses for this in the summer when I don't want to carry much with me.

One last look at the fun hardware and pretty Park Slope. Pre-disaster.
I'm super bummed. I was using it when making a stop at an ice cream shop. They were having a bad day I think....the double dark chocolate cone I got was kind of mushy and blopped right over on me when she handed it across the counter. I instinctively tried to catch the ice cream ball, which ended up mushing into the zipper and all over my little wristlet.
My Park Slope!!
I gave it a soak and wash and it seemed like the chocolate came out. But it's still stained in the zipper. Also, didn't want to dry it and make it all lumpy, so I set it out to air dry. That led to the teal print lining bleeding to the front over the pebbles. I should have known how dangerous it is to leave wet fabric touching each other.
So, besides the fabric bleeding caution, I have a dream sewing machine buying cautionary tale to add in a couple of days.
Oh, hon! It's gorgeous. Can you try washing it again with a colour catcher? A stain on the zipper isn't too bad if you can get the rest to semi-normal...
You did a beautiful job. I think you should treat yourself to another. In darker colours.
What a darling wristlet... but OH NO! So sorry stuff got messed up with stains... try Shout Resolve to see if that helps. It gets stuff out my work blouses that I think is hopeless!
Another option is to keep washing it over and over... eventually the stain and color-bleed may lighten or go away!
Well despite the ice cream incident I love it!
Cute and useful wristlet.
After a bad experience involving chocolate under an airplane seat, I am now spraying fabric purses, etc with a fabric protector before I even sew the seams together. Try it!
that's why i always get vanilla. :) okay, actually i just prefer vanilla and my friends all give me a hard time about it. that does seem like the perfect pouch for summer trips where i need cards, cash and a camera.
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