This is the third time I've made Amy Smart's Mod Churn Dash, and I love it every time!
This was made as a baby shower gift for a friend, who was due in December. What could be better than some summer citrus blocks to brighten up the cold months?
It was a lovely baby shower - for Jenny's 6th baby. We gathered for an evening, and started it with a rosary together, for the intentions Jenny wished. We didn't play any goofy games, and had fun with the one request Jenny made. It was to go around the room and offer her our favorite boy and girl names, along with the most funny movies we could think of, for watching during labor.

I picked out favorite pink, yellow, orange, and greens. FMF green tiles made the perfect binding.
I like sewing my labels right into the pieced quilt back. If I left it to the end and had to attach it by hand later, it would only get done about 5% of the time!
What I usually do, before I baste the quilt together, is write it out with a Pilot Fixation pen to make sure I spell everything correctly and don't have spacing issues. Then, I go over it with a Sharpie and with a hot iron, erase the Fixation and set the Sharpie.

I've given up on trying to wrap my quilts, and go with a cute roll instead. I usually fold it in thirds, then roll it up neatly and tie it with a length of matching fabric.
For Jenny, I also added a little burp cloth I tried out. Worked really well, and I think I'll be making a bunch for myself.

Just beautiful! What a blessing to have a handmade quilt for a gift. Love the colors you chose too!
What an awesome friend you are for gifting this beautiful and meaningful quilt! Bless you!
Absolutely beautiful! I love the bright, happy colors.
Lovely quilt. Imlovemseeing the traditional,patterns done up in contemporary fabrics and design!
Fabulous quilt!
I love the colours you chose!
Beautiful! I love the alternating negative space in the blocks.
It's such a wonderful quilt. I know the family will love it.
So darling! Great fabric choices -but then you have to figure I'm going to love something citrusy. :-)
Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the instructios on how you do labels. I had given up on making them as they always seemed to discolor but perhaps I will try again.
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