I. Can. Not. Believe it!
We're going to have a little girl.
My Three Sons + A Girl! I need you all to send me links to your favorite girly fabrics, and baby girl quilts. I have that set up at the end of this post. But first I'll ramble on a bit about my exciting morning.

So glad my appointment was at 9am, I don't think I could have waited much longer. Although, after a record 11 months of no measurable snow, I think we got our first inch last night. Major down side to going so long without it - EVERYBODY forgot how to drive. The hospital is 6 minutes from my house (a mom of three boys, you totally know the travel time to the ER) it took almost 20! Luckily I'm a bit crazy about not being late for stuff, and left the house 25mins before my appointment.
The older two were at the ultrasound when we found out that Becket was a boy, so this time Becket got to skip out on the morning at school and be the first to know. Being a Level II ultrasound, I knew it was going to take a little longer, and we brought Hidden Pictures for him to pass the waiting time.
We had planned on taking a photo of him at the moment he found out boy/girl, but the tech put the kibosh on that! No photos or video allowed in the building. Bummer. It was super cool to see his face when he first recognized a baby within that snowy picture on the screen.
It was only a couple minutes before she told us that we were having a girl. Mark and I just looked at each other and said - Really?!
After the tech was done with the million measurements, it was time to wait for the doctor to come in. Love that the doctor comes right then, does her own check, and gives you the report before you walk out the door. I can worry a bit (major understatement), so I was very excited to hear everything right then. Luckily we did bring those books for Becket, we ended up waiting over 45 minutes before the doctor came in. Of course, I had convinced myself that there was something horribly wrong with her heart or something, and they were taking a long time trying to decide what else needed checking. Seriously, 45 MINUTES! May as well have been a year. I think I said a million prayers - alternating between Hail Mary and Hail Holy Queen, with some pleading in between for either peace or good news. Ended up a clerical mistake - my folder was put at the back of the queue instead of the front. The doctor was super nice and apologized a couple of times.
The baby's sex is not written in the tech reports, so she said we would get her official second opinion right then. It was just a minute and she was quick to congratulate us on a little girl. Then the most wonderful news yet, she said that everything was looking very healthy and they didn't see any markers for congenital defects. Major sigh of relief.
We came home with a whole bunch of pictures. Her cute little profile up there.
You can see the ball-like thing on her belly, that's her hand. They barely caught it, as it was moving up and down the whole time. She was super busy! They also did the 3D thing and were able to get a fair picture. Each time the tech would try to capture her face, she would turn to us, then quickly turn away - not wanting much to do with the process.
I told the doctor how I have 3 boys, and my brother has 2 - and that my mom had pretty much given up hope for ever having a granddaughter. She labeled this next picture just for my mom.
What's so funny, is the doctor captured little miss doing her thing in this one. That's her arm reaching up above her head. And what she is doing is pointing her little index finger out of her fist, like I'm number 1. Or perhaps, practicing telling her big brothers what to do. It was so funny. She did that a bunch of times, with both hands. She's an ambidextrous bossy little girl.
Now I need help from all of you! How am I going to choose the perfect baby quilt(s) and fabric for this little one?
Link up your favorite baby quilts and girly fabric combinations, I would love to see them!
Congrats!!! I have 2boys so we are hoping we get a girl soon.
Congratulations! You must be thrilled. Girls are so fun.
Congratulations! As the mom of two girls, it's going to be fun! My absolute favorite fabric right now for a girl would be "The Sweetest Thing" by Zoe Pearn.. I love it!
Congrats! I had my girl first then 3 boys. Mine is definitely a lot of work!! So. Much. Drama. We have lots of fun though too. Good luck on fabric....There is SO much for girls it is impossible to choose.
Woohoo! Congratulations! Have fun getting girly!
yay!!!! congrats, how very exciting!!!!
Hi Ang!
You know I can't sew for anything and am not girly at all so I can't help with fabrics but I can tell you how happy I am for you and Mark and the boys. Love you bunches!
oh I can share that Mischa still sleeps with the purple/green quilt you made, right on top of the Hello Kitty comforter. Those are great fabrics in that quilt!
She's a beauty!!!!!!!!!
congratulations Angela! how exciting!
I have no links. :( I'll keep my eyes out!
Wonderful news. And what a handsome boy you have.
How Exciting! Congratulations!
YAy! So happy for you!
Oh, how fun! Congrats to you and your house full of boys! They're going to love having a baby sister.
Yay!!!! How exciting! I kind of thought you were going to have a girl. Fabrics.... hmmmm... haven't seen what's out there lately :(
Oh congratulations! On the "her", health and continuing your family! Having three boys of my own and no plans in the future for more, I will have to live vicariously through you!
Yeah!! That's so exciting! Congrats! I'll start looking for pink fabric for you.
congrats, Angela! i'm so happy for you! i'm going to link up to an improv quilt i made that was the girliest thing i've ever done. i'm not usually a pink-loving girl, so i had to throw red, yellow and green in there. good luck deciding on your girl quilt to make :)
Oh, congratulations ! I was so thrilled to read your post.....it's like your excitement was just reaching right through the screen !
I wonder if my daddy felt that way after Richard, John, Jim, and Jeff ? No wonder he nicknamed me his 'dolly' !
I made this little jewel for a niece..
...no pattern, but I could help you figure it out if you like. Of course, I'm in the middle of the scrappy trip-along and I think that a small version would be sweet for a girl.
Congratulations! You must be so excited! Boys are wonderful but I love my little girl so much. She is so fun. My favorite girly fabric was David Walker's little girls fabric. I think it might be out of print but I made a dress out of it for my daughter and it is so cute.
so happy with you!
I linked up the quilt I made for my daughter before I knew if she was a he or she (she was a surprise for her VBAC -- I think I remember that you are a VBAC mom too)
Sewing for girlies is fun!
congratulations! I'm number 4 in my family and have 4 brothers...3 older and 1 younger. I was never a tom boy and always a girly girl. So I wanted pink pink pink!
That's so exciting! Congratulations. I think a lot of the pink Sherbet Pips fabrics are adorable for a girl.
Congratulations so exciting- I think the Sarah Jane material is lovely
Oh my goodness! Congrats! What a cute little nose she has :)
CONGRATULATIONS! VERY EXCITED FOR YOU. I also have 3 sons and had to get my daughters by remarrying. LOL now I have 2 granddaughters whom I am presently visiting at their home on Nantucket. Baby girls are sooooo awesome! I'm very happy for you.
First of all, congratulations :-) For a girlie-baby quilt, the book "Quilts, Baby!" was a great inspiration for me. Please, have a look here, where I've sewn a baby quilt for a girl from this book! I loved the idea, of sewing little fabric pieces with symbols, that have a special meaning for the family of the newborn or with what I was wishing for the little girl! Kind regards, Martina
Congrats!!! Girls are so much fun! They can bring the drama, but I wouldn't trade mine for anything. : )
I'll think about girly fabric and link something up when I get a chance!
Congratulations!! We have three boys as well, and our beautiful daughter is almost 6 months old. I always thought I was content to just have boys but as soon as they told me we would be having a "she" everything changed. It is so, so much fun to see three rough and tough little boys go completely mushy over their little sister. You will have so much fun sewing for this sweet girl!
Congratulations!!! That little girl is going to have three brothers to watch out for her... I pity the fool who messes with her hehe
How wonderful for you. I too had three boys and then a little girl. It was so exciting when we found out. My little girl is 21 now, so it was a while back, but I'll never forget.
Congratulations Angela!!! I'm so excited for your family. I have no links to share but don't think you will have any problems finding cute girl items to make ;-). Are you going to change your blog header name? My email address used to be renesboys for 11 years before my daughter was born;-)
Yea for girls! I love pink and yellow although I am also liking the orange/aqua combos and red/navy combos I have been seeing.
The quilting on my choice (okay, yes, I made it) makes it VERY girly. They're all flowers!
Fabric? anything pink in all shades. Favorite quilt? This one from Crazy Mom Quilts-it's awesome.
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