You can see my button to the right - as soon as I read r0ssie's Process Pledge last week, I knew I had to join! Being a mechanical engineer, I'm all about the process.

A couple of things have come together to lead me to a hexagon i-spy quilt over the last week. First this lovely charm pack of 3.5" vintage reproduction prints that I got from Amy's etsy shop. They're so cute, and so are hexagons. They go together perfectly!

I was just going to make them on the airplane, and figure out something to do with them later. But then Penny's pillow caught my eye and I printed it out for my inspiration board. Fabulous, huh! I thought, why not group a bunch of my new hexagons together and make them into blocks - like her pillow? I love their white frame.

So I started cutting more 3.5" squares. I used template plastic and traced a hexagon in the middle so I can see what part will show. I usually just cut the whole square, but I added the 1/4" seam allowance on in case I wanted to cut a hexagon shape to conserve some precious portion of fabric.

Now, have you seen Aneela's storybook quilt or her watercolor quilt? Of course you have, because they're fabulous. I love the effect of the scrappy, single color blocks! So out came a whole bunch of my stash - cutting 3.5" squares out of each of them. The blocks will have bits of Munki and vintage ispy mixed with my regular prints.

I cut and cut and cut. Then I laid out what I had and took pictures of each color set. Photoshop will make a nice contact sheet for you - look a quilt. I liked it while I was cutting - one I got the contact sheet I LOVED it! Also noticed that my stash is very blue/green heavy.

So I did some quilty math and figured out that I need about 16 blocks (hexagons within a block and then sashed up a bit) for my preferred lap quilt size of at least 60" square. That's 22 full and partial hexagons per block. You can see on my larger printout of each color group I noted how many more 3.5" squares I need to make a full block. Also handy to quickly see if I had already included a print! I have a couple duplicates but am mostly going for one square per print.

Out came the fabric again to try to get enough squares for the whole thing. I'm pretty short on yellow and orange. Hopefully I can find some more to add in later, but I've pretty much exhausted my stash. I seriously need to start packing now and stop cutting fabric.

It will be interesting to see how many of the 352 hexagons I can get done on the airplane!
Wow! That is quite the project! I love seeing all your little squares laid out in the color sets. It is going to be so fantastic!
this is going to be pretty amazing
this is going to be a great project! i can't wait to see it in its next phase!
p.s. i'm happy to send you some yellow and orange - that's what i have most in my stash.
This is going to be one awesome quilt! Love that people are sharing their process of making a quilt, very interesting! I may just have to join in the fun :)
this hex quilt is going to be amazing Angela! You can do all of them I say! (yeah, coming from someone who's never done hex's by hand)
Thanks for the amazing process report!
this is going to be fabulous! Thanks for sharing your process on this.
wow!! that will be one amazing quilt!
so love all your fabric choices....and can not wait to hear how many hex's you completed!
Wow! I love your fabric choices! So beautiful and fresh! I can't wait to see the hexies!! I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering in the fall....glad to hear you still care about the process! ;)
I love the rainbow quilt... it's going to be fabulous!
This is such an inspiring post, thanks for sharing! I'm also drooling over all your cutie bits of fabric :)
Great work! Can't wait to read more from you. This will be fantastic!!!
that is a lot of planning!! but nice work!
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