Welcome all for May Giveaway Day!

I must say I have an ulterior motive here. You know how newlyweds are so happy and they want everybody else married too. I'm having so much fun with my new obsession, that I want you addicted also! So, I have a couple of things for you.

It started innocently enough - I need some kind of handwork to keep me sane on an upcoming airline flight. There so many cute hexagon projects popping up lately, I had to give it a try.

And of course I found that it's the perfect little handwork to fill in for the carry-along I miss now that I don't knit much anymore!

With some of my first hexagons, I've made you a Lunchmate. Perfect little thing now that picnic weather is near. Open and unroll for a nice, clean spot when you're eating outside! Picnic tables can be a bit gross especially if you find a nice one under a pretty tree where birds may sit.

Leslie, at Fluff & Nonsense, made up the Lunchmate as a gift for her mom. And I thought it was awesome! I asked Leslie if it would be ok for me to copy the design for this little giveaway. She so kindly said yes, and then sent me the construction notes she had made for herself. Thank you Leslie! I put linen for the inside with the hexagons, and that yummy orange dot for the outside. Totally washable.

I also want you to give hexagons a try yourself. I made a little starter package (or add-on package if you're already addicted).

A packet of 25 card stock templates in the 1" size, and a nice stack of 70 modern 2.5" fabric squares.

To enter, please give me at least one idea to entertain a child on a long airplane flight. I want to work on my hexagons and not just entertain the 4, 11, and 13yr olds!

One person will win both of these prizes. I'm in Chicagoland and will ship internationally, but you need to have an email linked to your comment in some way so I can get a hold of you! I'll pick a winner on Thursday night - Good Luck!
1 – 200 of 434 Newer› Newest»this is so much fun!!! it is so cool to see my lunchmate made another way and embellished so very nicely with those adorable hexagons. I totally appreciate the shout out and link back to me....i had been tossing around writing up a blog tutorial for this and am getting more serious about it now that i have seen yours. it is so fun to see what other people can do with one persons simple idea!!! i love it Angela. as for airplane ideas...i always make small bags of goodies and toys that are new so they have something fun. but that may only work on your little one.
Yay, what a great giveaway Angela! I haven't tried hexagons yet, but I've been drooling over everyone else's!
I'm no expert, but I've definitely found that new toys are a hit for entertaining my daughter! Also, we've found that if we "starve" her of TV at home, she'll watch it like a zombie at a restaurant on the laptop or on the iPod.
GOOD LUCK! I haven't mastered flying with a toddler yet. Maybe you'll have some good tips when you get back! :-)
Oh, I loved that lunchmate the minute I saw it!!!!! Yours is so cute. Great giveaway and have a wonderful trip. :) Well, after spending 23 hours in the car with a 5 and 6 yr old last month I would have to say...a little journal so they can draw everything they see...a stash of random art things from the dollar section at Michaels...candy...and a DVD player!
I don't have any children myself (yet), but I have quite a few younger cousins, and I've heard that their favourite movies work wonders for a long airplane ride (my 6 and 10 year old cousins were angels on a 14-hour flight from Beijing to Toronto)! Good luck with your trip and thank you for the giveaway!
cute! I haven't taken the hex plunge yet but would love to give it a try. One thing for travel is to get some little toys, candies etc. and wrap each one. They have unwrapping as well as playing with what's inside!
2.5 words.
In-flight entertainment.
I don't have kids, but when I was one (early 80s) my mom found that portable video games occupied me well during trips. Of course, this was before the game boy and we counted ourselves lucky to have single title portable games available, like Pac-Man and Defender...
oh no! I don't have kids, so I'm just gonna have to wing it with what to entertain them with? How about a nice game of yatzee or twister? lol
Great give away. Snacks, coloring books, and a portable dvd player helped with our recent long plane ride. Good-luck and I hope that you find lots of things to keep them busy.
Nice lunchmate (Leslie, where is the dang tutorial???)! And great giveaway - that might just entice me to try hexagons. Maybe. :)
My best low-tech kid entertainment idea: a roll of painter's tape. They can go crazy and not ruin anything. And for high-tech: a portable DVD player and a few kid-friendly movies. And lots of snacks!
Movies on the computer kept my two-year old granddaughter occupied on the flight from Nashville to Tampa earlier this year - older kids do well with travel games and puzzle books.
Great giveaway items - pick me, pick me!!!
sticker books keep my little ones occupied on plane rides (probably not great for the older kids).
awesome giveaway!
nettiepete at gmail dot com
What a great giveaway! So many wonderful goodies. Love that cute lunchmate, especially with added hexes!
Well I'm with most of the other comments so far on saying a portable dvd player is probably your best bet. Another idea is to maybe take them all to a store the day before and let them each pick out one new toy, book or something they are interested in taking on the plane. Finding exactly what will keep each one entertained may be totally different from one kid to the next. Good luck, hopefully you'll get lots of hexagons made :)
I love the lunchmate, and you know by now that I really am intrigued by these hexagons. I haven't tried them yet, but I will someday!
For entertaining, what about audiobooks on an ipod? Our public library even has a wide selection available for free (not sure how many are children's though). But that might be something that could help entertain your two older children, at least. There are lots of books on CDs, too, if the ipods won't work for you.
I love it!! Those hexies are too cute, and you're like a darn drug dealer sending the starter kit along. :-)
We rely heavily on the DVD player when we fly. It has two headphone jacks, so the kids can watch a movie the whole flight. I bring a sleeve full of favorite movies and TV shows, and load a few shows and games on my iPhone, too. That gets us pretty far.
I've seen lots of people with those portable DVD players (with headphones of course!!!) but I remember those little books with the invisible markers--do you remember those? I always liked those. Or mad libs (the kid friendly ones).
Pipe cleaners are fabulous! When my kids were younger, I carried them with me everywhere. They easily became anything they could imagine (game pieces, bracelets, animal farms, etc.), easily manipulated by small hands, unbreakable and are easily straightened and reused.
Get the bigger kids some duct tape to play with! My 10 yo used up a roll of duct tape this last week, mostly making a bunch of wallets.
What a cute lunch pack!! Very good idea. And the hexies and fabric are awesome. I haven't had to entertain my kids for a while but they always liked to read and for the little one, my friends at work have iphones with fabulous apps for their kids.
My little quilting group just decided to try the hexies next month. This would be an easy project to start with. As far as taking kids on planes, good luck is all I can say.
crazy cute giveaway! thanks!
A game we play on planes is called Quiddler. Essentially, it's scrabble on playing cards.You make a word or set of words using progressively more cards. It evens out the playing field (age-wise)because I might come up with one long word but my son has a few small words like "nu" or "ox" and he gets extra points for most words in one hand. Each game is 10 rounds--that takes a while and you actually use your brain!!
I agree with you about the hexies! I started because of a car trip and now I can't stop! I would love to win your fabrics to add to my growing collection of hexies. A quick game that I play with my young grandkids in restaurants is "Something's Missing": Line up several items (knife, spoon, sugar packet, napkin, etc) One person closes their eyes and the other removes one item. Then eyes are uncovered and the guessing begins. Young children require only 3-4 items and you can add more for older kids. It goes quickly and may fill some of your time!
I am not addicted yet, but I want to be. You could bring the computer and let them watch a movie. But, what I do is raid the drug store for little toys and stickers (my kids are younger). I keep them hidden so they are completely new. Then I pace them throughout the flight. One new thing every hour or half hour depending on the attention span. Good luck!
Hehe you're too funny... I've never had to entertain a child on a plane but my cousin swears by her portable DVD player. She turns it on and her two kids are complete angels lol
Putting my hand up as a Hexie addict that would love to win this prize!
Tips for a plane trip? age appropriate puzzle books, colouring books, Novels to read for the older kids, and don't forget some lollies to suck on when taking off and landing!!
lovely giveaway - such great colours!
my kids are a bit younger, but they love those colouring books that you use water to magically paint" with.
(like these: http://www.hinklerbooks.com/books/item.asp?id=1741828988)
no mess for you to worry about and can be used over and over again!
Books, videos on iPod, video games. Good luck with the travels!
Ooo, Count me in!
Flying with kids: so much fun! We fly SLC to WashDC every summer to visit Grandma, so I should be a pro at this, but every year is different. I wish I had something intellectually stimulating and creative, but since we got our portable DVD player, those flights have been so much better!
Uuuuummmmmm... YUM!!! i would lOVE your hexie goodness!!! and if they were my kids... they'd have books with them... lots and lots of books!! :) Thanks my dear for the chance to win!!
xo, Heather
My kids had fun playing games when they were younger, and this one we discovered at an airport bookstore. I even enjoyed playing it on the airplane, too; although that is not your purpose here. Anyway, it's for ages 6 and up and exercises those brain cells:
Sticker books! It keeps them occupied for longer than a coloring book, and you don't have to worry about crayons spilling everywhere and rolling to the back of the plane.
Love this giveaway!
i've been dying to try hex's.... my daughter loves cats cradle... we have one of those klutz books but you could google instructions... a piece of string kept her busy for a couple of hours!
I love your lunch mate! Such a cute idea with the hexagons. I started making these but lost my hexagon template so need buy another one.
I find the best way to keep children entertained is to have a few toys, reading books, activity books etc..that are new to them. You don't give them to them all at once but drip feed them. This works a treat with mine.
My girls (5 and 7) love Crayola Colour Wonder. and we got them cheap mp3 players on their last flight.
Wonderful giveaway.
I've travelled for 26 hours with a toddler and found stickers and colouring-in books are great for the littlies, plus a DVD player for older children. Little toys wrapped up and brought out at intervals are also great. In-flight entertainment is a wonderful invention. A favourite toy/comforter or blanket is a must for the 4-year-old -- it will make them feel more comfortable, especially during take-off and landings. Plus lots of snacks as they might hate the airline food or be asleep when it is being served.
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Angela, this is such a fun giveaway! I would love to join you in some hexagon madness!! Thanks for the chance. I really need to take a little picnic break!
Oh, nice giveaway! My airplane tip is one of those magnetic doodle pads where you write then slide the thingy and it wipes it clean. Hours of fun.
Wow those hexies are taking over blogland....love them. Taking children on flights is challenging but some nice snacks, coloured pencils,drawing book, pack of playing cards, small puzzle are just a few suggestions. I also suggest keeping it a secret and producing a goodie bag to them all, with some different items they can share together. Enjoy
oh I love hexagons, what a great five away,
hmm and entertaining a young child, difficult, I havnt really experience at this, coz my little one is only 1 1/2 and we never traveled throught plane, but maybe you have some little portable games, or computer games,
Thanks for having such a cute giveaway.
Aside from the obvious of movies and video game, I kind of think the older two should be old enough to plan their own entertainment. Perhaps provide a small budget for them to buy something new or to supplement something they already have. For the youngest one, maybe a new puzzle or coloring book? Good luck on the trip! =)
This is such a neat giveaway Angela! I love it!
How to entertain? I am not so sure if they'll let you but boy oh boy does blowing bubbles work a treat... or new crayons and new paper... or books with lots of things to touch/do - we've got a "quiet book" which has bits to button, and lace, and attach, and rearrange... and puzzle books... hope this helps. Oh and food Angela. Food. Raisins. Popcorn. Anything little that takes time to eat :)
I would love to win your give away, I did one block of Your Grandmother's Flower Garden many years ago and would like to try again. As far as entertainment, hand held electronic games, DVD player and a special DVD for the trip. I always found if I got something special that they really liked and save for the trip, their anticipation may help occupy them once they get their special thing.
Oh I love this lunchmate!! I also love these Hex's and would love to give it a shot!! hmmmm for the 4yr old (I have a 3 and half yr old) maybe stickers, drawing stuff and even some hessian, one of those embroidery hoop things a blunt needle and some thread.... I'm pretty sure this will be interesting - but oh I jsut remembered you can't take a needle on flight?? Maybe stuff to paste!! For the older kids...books/mini dvd/food, food, food....!! {my email bexta23@hotmail.com}
oh, what a fabulous prize!
we bring a playsilk or silky vintage scarf and use it in all sorts of fun ways. also the blue electrical tape, which does not gum things up, is fun for hanging up drawings and such. i wrapped a bunch of little things in pretty paper and doled them out.
thanks or the chance to win!
Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway. Now - entertaining a kid on a long flight.. I used to wrap up small books, small toys and packets of raisins, and we would open one every 30min or so. Later, when daughter was older, we always traveled with a notepad and pens and draw pictures for the other one to guess, or played tic tac toe; it kept us busy for hours. Cards was also a great hit. This summer we will probably be packing all kinds of digital stuff while traveling with grandson, but I'll make sure we have pen and paper and books as well.
ME ME ME... I literally just started making hexs and I am having so much fun!! Not sure how long it will be before I go bananas though lol...
As for entertainment sometimes we play 123 red blue green. One chooses a number... don't go above 10 and another the colour ... it's a variation on eye spy which my kids don't like!!
Also take a pen and have a finger puppet show drawing faces on their fingers hehe...
xo Steph
I've done many many long airplane trips with little ones. I always buy some new toys- matchbox cars are small and inexpensive.
Sticker books are good, as are crayons and stuff.
I like a travel sized magna doodle too- since the "pen" is attached, you won't lose anything.
I also like to bring some treats that involve eating one piece at a time (raisins, cheerios, etc...).
When all else fails- video babysitter. We don't watch much TV at home, so hours of movies on a laptop or even on an ipod are a treat!
I haven't tried hexagons yet so would love to be the lucky winner of this giveaway to get me started. For a long flight I think you should teach the kids a craft before hand so they can make something on the plane too. maybe like a knitting nanny or friendship bracelet plaiting.
Fantastic giveaway!!! I have a 4 yo son but I haven't been on a plane with him yet. We do 6 hour trips 4 times a year to visit my parents. He is quite easy to entertain. We play eye spy or count cars (either by colour or make). We don't have a DVD player in the car either. He will quite often have a short sleep. Sometimes though I do buy him a magazine with activities in it. However he is quite content to look out the window. We are lucky. I hope you have a good flight.
what a great Idea
My little miss (2.5) is entertained for a while "drawing" I just buy a cheep scrapbook or large exerscise book and some crayons or pencils
once that is over its a book or 10 that she "reads"
and after that is the iPhone with toddler games
that said I've never flown with her
great giveaway. A discovery bag (pattern by make it perfect) is great for little ones!
What a fun lunchmate!
A new toy or book is definitely something the kids can look forward too on a plane ride. Maybe a couple. We've never flown anywhere so I don't know the rules but my son (11) would need some kind of electronics to get through a long flight. A good book/coloring book is a good idea too. I would imagine anything that doesn't have a bunch of small pieces would be good.
Great giveaway! I love the oranges and greens. :)
I haven't taken kids on a plane before, so I'm not much help. Would they play card games against each other?
I LOVE hexagons. And these colors are amazing. Love love love.
The few times I have been traveling with kids we have made a lot of preparations - sound books on ipod, drawings to paint, jigsaws or problem books and little treats. And then we always play 'who spots' - each with our own list to cross out.
Absolutely lovely. I have to try that, too, so your starter package would be very usefull.
How to entertain your kids on an airplane flight? You need to make them be crafty, too, of course ;-)
I know, sometimes not so easy with boys...
What a great giveaway!!! I love the lunch mate. That is such a great idea.
Between movies, hand held video games, note pads with coloring pencils,....these are just some of the things I would take along.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
Definetely a Dvd-player. It really works wonders!
My mother used to schedule flights at our night time and watch videos about flying and read stories about flying (not scary ones of course) to us before getting on a plane so that we were very relaxed and would fall asleep very soon.
And she always had colouring books, little snacks and a few games with her that could be played on board.
We would start getting to know those games about a week before our flight and by the time we had to get to the airport we were seriously addicted to some of them so that we would play all the time and not disturb our parents...
I saw that Lunchmate when Leslie made it and thought it was so fantastic, so I would love to win this.
How about making a quiet book with lots of things to unzip, snap, attach with velcro, etc.?
An iPod touch filled with kid games/movies/apps is the way to go on a long flight. I'm flying with my 8 mo old and 2 yr old to az next week. Also, a DVD player will work and don't forget the fruit snacks. Wish me luck and let me win ur giveAway:)
we love picnics, even though it's nearly winter here! The fabrics you've used are great.
um, for the plane... my three year old loves stamps and stickers... they can stamp all over their arms, legs and no doubt they'll want to do it over yours too! finger knitting maybe?
Hey Angela, great giveaway! I've enjoyed watching you progress on the hexie making. That lunchmate is just too cute! As far as airplane ideas, my kids are older so having a new DS game or book usually does the trick!
Lovely giveaway! Have you ever heard of Fuzzy Felt? It'd be easy to carry on a plane, and could provide lots of make-believe play or design/construction play, depending on which set you had. It would be quite easy to make a custom set, too.
Very cool! My great-grandmother used to make hexagon-quilts, all hand cut and sewn...so I feel very sentimental about them and have wanted to get brave and try them myself!
My best tip for flying with kids is to start a small collection of new stuff (snacks, treats, stickers, book, magazine, art supply, etc) ahead of time...let them each have their own small wheelie-bag and don't let them open it and look at their new stuff until the plane reaches cruising altitude!
Fantastic giveaway!--I love all these wonderful hexie projects that I keep seeing--just fab. =) I also have a 4 year old--she loves projects of any kind stickers/coloring--those cute little paint with water books that you just fill up the pen and color on the page. Or what about travel perfection--that's a fun little travel game.
The lunchmate is so cute! I grew up moving and traveling overseas..my brother and I loved playing cards. And not to be too old-fashioned, try a good book. I recommend 'Ender's Game' for the oldest..I teach HS English and it's never failed me yet...
i love it.
you rock.
i am following you now!
Wow. What a cool and inspiration giveaway! I would love to try my hand at the hexagons and I have several long flights coming up this summer (although gratefully the kids are staying home). Uno is a big hit in our family for keeping kids occupied on the plane.
I've just dipped my toe in the hexagon pond and am completely obsessed!
For the older children I'd have to agree with the majority- in-flight movie/tv/portable dvds. For the younger children you could try a 'quiet' book made of felt with a bunch of felt cutouts to reposition.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
wow i can't wait to try this if i win! thanks so much for this awesome giveaway. i adore your blog :)
The hexagons are so cute!
I would get one of the look and find books! They keep my daugher occupied for ever!
I'm a board game addict and I guess I would search for some games for kids that could be easily played in such hostile environment as airplane :).
Great giveaway by the way!
Wow!!!!! Okay that lunchmate is such a fantastic idea! Picnic time!
What an amazing giveaway. My kids are younger and have not been on a plane, but we do take long car rides. I like games. We have a travel Monopoly one that is neat, travel Bingo, where you have to find things, Nintendo DS where they can play against each other and books.
i was always entertained with reading or sleeping on the plane, but i know that ipods, computers or movies work, too!
i have seen everyone making the hexagons lately and have been wanting to try it but am a little nervous.
I have done, a mrs. potatoe head and stickers. They both worked.
what a pretty giveaway! all kids love balloons right? so my suggestion is making the origami paper kind that you blow up. the paper is flat and easy to carry, you can make a few ahead of time so the little one can blow them up. and the older kids can make them themselves with a little instruction from you. they are kinda magical, i know my kids love them!
Love this giveaway!
I really want to try those hexagons! The portable dvd player is my best friends for my 4 year old. She also really likes etch-a-sketch or doodle-pros.
I also have become addicted to the hexagons. They take forever but they're just so pretty.
My 5 year old likes to color, so we bring lots of disposable crayons and paper, and lots of books. pretty traditional I guess.
alot of cames, coloring books, music... and they have their own moovies on so that a plus!
good luck on the flight!
i hope they will entertain them selfs a little!
thanks for the giveaway!
aiyoyo awesome stuff!
picnic w style! =)
What a cute lunchmate...your hexagons look so great against the linen and that is the perfect thing for summer picnics!
My suggestion would be the dot game (it will keep two occupied at one time): http://www.dotcr.ost.dot.gov/asp/forkidsyouth/connect.asp
Yours is a wonderful giveaway, I already love hexagons but haven't done much with them (so far), I hope I'm fortunate enough to win. Hmm, you could drug the children....No, seriously, a lucky dip bag works well as you can spread it out over the time you're confined. Include toys, paper, pencils and puzzle books, some sweets that are usually forbidden, drink (probably not alcoholic) and a soft quiltlet or pillow for them to cuddle up to for some much needed sleep. Actually most planes seem to have those on-demand screens with games and allsorts now so your children will just be glued to that and emerge goggle-eyed at the other end! Good luck.
Ooo, I've been wanting to try hexagons too, I hope I win! I have yet to brave an airplane with my two kids (7 and 3) and imagine it would be pretty dificult....stickers? lollipops? tv? a magical spell to make them sleep?
Love the idea, love the starter pack! The best travel companion we have is the portable DVD player. of course we generally take car trips. Small art projects are a close second but it would depend on what they allow you to bring on the plane!
Give the kids puzzle sets, and then offer them 'gifts' if they successfully come to complete.
Fantastic giveaway, I'd like to try hexagons and make new creations. Thanks for the great giveaway, kinda you.
Me too, I love hexagons! Or at least preparing them. Hand-sewing them into something is something I don't enjoy quite as much... ;)
I don't have children myself so I have to go back to my own childhood. Actually, me and my brother were so much into reading, that all it needed to keep us happy, were lots and lots of books...
What a great way to use hexagons and enjoy a summer time picnic too!
Love the lunchmate! Such a great idea. MY dh and I love to picnic and now that we have a little one (14 week old baby girl) we're hoping for even more picnics this summer and fall.
Well, it's not very educational, but we have friends that play dvds on a small laptop/notebook. However, I always liked games like mad lib, cross words, etc.
We also have became dependent on the portable dvd player to survive a long trip without much drama. Thanks for the giveaway.
what a lovely giveaway. as for entertainment, I was a reader as a kid, so new books were great. but for the non-readers, new toys? candy? tv?
I love what you made with the hexagons! Cute! Cute! Cute!
When we travel with kids on planes, it always helps to give them their own goody bag filled with travel games, cards, markers & blank journals to entertain themselves.
what a fun idea! i love hexigons!
three iPhones. lol!
I am so used to the long haul flight deal with my daughter. I got the best idea from someone a while back and it works a treat! I normally buy a heap of new bits and pieces (doesn't have to be expensive) eg, books, colouring in, audio books, magazine, magnetic game, dry wipe games. Then the clincher is to wrap them up like birthday gifts. My daughter thinks it's a hoot getting to unwrap gifts on a plane! You just dish them out at suitable intervals. For older ones you could get them to write a story maybe taking it in turn with a partner to see what outrageous story you can come up with.
Love your giveaway! Good luck with the flight. feel free to check my giveaway out.
Love the giveaway. My suggestion is get new handheld games. Like Etch-a-sketch and tetris. Sometimes old school works. Good Luck!
We don't fly anywhere (too cheap!)...I don't have any great ideas. I would probably just make sure I had some new activity books, not to mention snacks (can you take snacks still?!)
oh...i've been drooling over hexies lately and contemplating the punishment of starting some... but they are good handwork.
love the lunchmate idea and it's beautiful!
to entertain my 7 yr old on a long flight, i use word find puzzles, coloring books and his newest obsession: origami. hours of entertainment there while you make fun stuff.
This is adorable! And I really like the fabrics, too! I would say that paper dolls would be a wonderful thing to entertain little girls with on plane rides. I'm quite partial to paper dolls as I grew up with them and last year my sister and I began creating a line of paper dolls (you can see them here).
Thank you for the giveaway!
Emily Rose @ SimplyVintagegirl.com
We don't fly, but my kids always bring a stack of books for long car rides. When we drove from CT to FL several years ago, I made custom lunchboxes for my kids, filled with goodies for the trip. My then 4yo got a set of magnets in hers, that worked great on the metal lunch box. They all got a small book, and small travel game, as well as snacks....we also love to listen to music and books on tape on long drives. Each kid gets to pick a few cds.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love hexagons, so I think I should get into hand sewing. This would be an awesome giveaway to win!
My oldest child is only 2 1/2 so don't know much about older boys, but I'm thinking there's one thing that's universal and that's food. Bring along a few fun snacks and pull them out once in a while.
I'm in awe of hexagons. Haven't had the courage to try them yet, but am so inspired...
As for travelling, can't offer any new advice. My two kids have suffered 12 hour trips too many times. We've tried games, DVD's, books, puzzles, origami (till the cows come home), etc, etc. Am always hoping that they will just curl up under a quilt and SLEEP!!
Thanks for such a great giveaway I've been wanting to try hexis but there's not much support for such projects here.
I don't have kids and my mom always tells me about how her mom drugged her on flights so I might not be the best to get advice from but... What about starting crafting early int he kids. I remember being absorbed for hours with beginner cross stitch kits or little hook rug kits. Then have dvds and video games as a back up. Plus the craft kits don't have scissors things to worry about and can be used when electronics are not.
fausseparisienne at gmail dot com
I have been dying to make some hexies. Thanks for the generous headstart~
This is the CUTEST giveaway. Wow!! I'm *so* following you now for extra inspiration!
What an awesome giveaway!!!! I've never made hexagons before, but they look like lots of fun! Fingers crossed!!
Oh, I love the hexagons!! I like window cling stickers for a long flight- if you have a window seat, the kids can cling the tiny stickers to the window for quite a while. I also like tiny doll houses with tiny people. Sometimes they roll, so we put a small felt square of 'grass' on the tray table first.
Bring little crafty things for the kids to do as well. I am at a loss for what right now, but you can figure that part out.
I flew with my youngest a few months ago and will again next month. I packed a backpack full of little things she hadn't seen before. A toy plane that looked like the one we were in. A magna doodle. One of those little coloring books with stickers and a crayon roll. Also some smarties and a new water bottle. Since she was in her car seat she was next to the window. The flight was only a few hours long, but she did really well.
Great giveaway! Good luck on the plane.
How about a few pads of paper and a list of games--hangman, etc. My girls love stuff like that. thanks for the giveaway!
parknj at verizon dot net
These are adorable! When traveling, my parents always kept my busy with books, and that worked out fine for everyone. If I had a Nintendo DS in those days, I woulda been set!
hi, i've not got kids (yet!), but my cousins like simple crafts and keeping a travel journal in a exercise book. i would use a DVD compressor programme to put a few on the laptop - less weight ect than carrying DVDs, and get a muliti 'phone-out' plug/jack so they can all listen to the same film on the same computer - and arguing over what to put on will fill some time! lol!
oh, totally forgot to say that the lunch roll is an inspired idea! it would make lunch so easy especially as it holds the cutlerly too!
Such lovely hexagons, which I have never tried and always been a bit scared!
Regarding the children, when we travelled I got some books similar to Where's Wally?(those where you have to find something on a page FULL of things) and my boys had lots of fun and time consumed!Greetings from Chile!
Airline bingo might be good. Make up bingo cards that have things one might see on a plane or out the window and have the kids spot them. They can also play the alphabet game, spotting things in their surroundings that start with each consecutive letter of the alphabet. The older one could read to the younger two. Coloring books are always a bonus. You could also pack a bunch of pipe cleaners and have them make things with them.
What a cute giveaway! I love hexagons and this would be motivation for me to make some myself. I'm not quite sure how to entertain little ones on a flight, maybe with one of those quiet books that are all over the blogs?
I never travel on an airplane, but maybe the older boys will be very busy with computer game or something similar and the youngest will be busy teasing his big brothers? or maybe he can bring his favorite toy and play with it.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
Ooo, so much fun! Great giveaway!
sewsewgood at gmail dot com
Entertaining kids on planes is always interesting. One good idea I read lately was to make a bunch of small packages with a new activity and a small snack and give them out every few hours. Ideas like a sticker book and animal crackers, a finger puppet and dried fruit. Food always keeps them interested and a little distraction is good too!
Super cute! I love the colors! I would put together goodie bags. With special things that they normal wouldn't get. I made special journals or drawing pads so the kids could either draw things they wanted to remember or write. I think I made the goodie bags so that was special thing to take. I also saw a great idea online where you use a smaller floss organizer box and put special snack in each divided space. Good Luck!
I don't have children, but how about a box of bandaids? Those are fun to put everywhere, and won't hurt anything. Plus, it's cheap :)
Gorgeous! Hexagons look like so much work, but withyou cute project I'm very tempted to take it on. My idea for entertaining on a flight is something to keep their hands busy. Like paper & pencil puzzles, coloring pages, or friendship braclets (which I guess works a little better for girls). Otherwise my old stand by is always a book and an iPod. Thanks for the great giveaway!
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com
AAH! This is perfect! My co-worker and I like to eat on the grass behind our building, and I love this so much.
hmm. When I was little, I just loved to color, and my mother would print out maps of wherever we were flying over (US, etc) to color. I'd try to figure out where we were and color the states, etc, in time with our travels.
I always buy a few new toys for long flights. The novelty of something new keeps them busy a long time! We have a leapster that they use, but their favorite thing are those doodle boards you write on with a magnet pen then wipe off with the slider. They play tic tac toe, draw pictures, practice letters, you name it. Now my kids are younger than yours, so that's the best I can do. I'd say for the older kids a great book and some music would go a long way!
I love this lunchmate idea! It's fabulous. I was just thinking about jumping on the hexagon bandwagon, too...
Ooh, hexagons! I've started my own little hexagon project recently, and they are very fun indeed. :)
Hmm... flight tips? Maybe you could buy them each a new bookbag and fill it with interesting items like dollar store toys, colouring books, puzzle books, and easy crafts (stickers, play-doh(??)). Doesn't have to be super expensive, but if the bags are filled with new things, it might keep them occupied for longer! Good luck!
I haven't tried hexagons yet either but they turn out so pretty!
One of my friends who travels A LOT with her 4 kids always brings play dough and tools for her younger kids along with a roll up cutting board for them to play with it on plane trips. Friendship bracelet kits are great for the older ones. Books and magazines are also good for older kids. Good luck!
I can't believe how gorgeous your lunchmate is! Thanks so much for showing another way to use those lovely hexagons. As for your boys...a Scavenger hunt?
hmmm.... kids. Have them work on sewing too! Make a quilt to donate to children in hospitals... or have them write poems and have a poetry reading when you arrive at your destination.
Do they have handheld video games? Those work wonders on airplanes! Or, if they are the creative type, some basic art materials (crayons, colored pencils - depending on age) and appropriate paper may be all you need! And candy...to bribe then. Just say'n.
I love the hexes!! I really want to learn to start doing them. Just a little bit nervous.
Such a cute placemat!!
I'm with ya. I need ideas for planes rides. Always afraid if I take something with a needle they will take it away. :)
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Amazing give away. I love trying new things. Thanks for the chance to win. Video games and Books always entertained me on trips. My little gal loves little toys (my little ponies, little pet shop, strawberry short cake). I like the idea of taking each kid out and letting them pick out something.
Sweet. Hmm, the main thing that I take is some sort of snack that isn't so sickly that they'll feel sick if they graze for most of the flight (cheerios or crackers or goldfish crackers have worked well for us). The in-flight movies are normally on a personal screen these days, with several kid movies available, tv shows and computer games, which helps a lot on the entertaining front. Other than that, I put in a bunch of books, notepads, audio books and a few small toys, like matchbox cars and dinosaurs. If I was you, I'd bribe the older 2 in advance, if they are willing to walk the young one up and down the aisles, if needed...
How darling! I only have ideas for little kids on a plane. Books, books, and more books. The kind you read, the kind you color in, and the "busy" type that you do all sorts of things with. They are easier to pack than other toys, and pretty much endless entertainment.
Silly putty. It amuses them for hours!
Such a great giveaway! As for the airplane, I'd recommend an iPod touch. My 4-year old can go for hours playing on that thing - movies, music, learning games, even digital books.
These are so adorable!!! I love the hexagons, and can't wait to picinic!!!
oh, the lunchmate is so cute!! And hmmm...I don't have kiddos, so I'm no expert - but I would say Nintendo DS is a good option if you have them (and don't feel guilty about keeping the wifi on during the flight so they can play against each other - the biggest challenge there is not getting too competive!).
The ipod works for our kids! Good luck :)
I've never done hexagon piecing but it looks interesting. For the older kids, buy them a new book and give it to them at take-off.
Lovely giveaway. Lots of different little toys, games, food. Just pretend you're Mary Poppins and fill your bag!
What a beautiful lunch mate! I love hexagons and actually posted a collection of hexagon projects awhile ago - http://monami.squarespace.com/mon-ami-journal/2009/8/23/inspiration-hexagons.html. I hope this helps inspire some more projects for you.
thanks for sharing!
Cool giveaway! I especially love the handmade items being given. Love the way you incorporated the hexagons into this portable picnic. I don't have any kids, so I wouldn't have a clue how to entertain kids on a plane. Maybe read a book or get out the iPod/DVD player. My 6 and 13-year old nieces love making friendship bracelets with their embroidery thread and beads.
I love this giveaway! I have been dying to try those hexagons too!
Lots of people have already posted my suggestion,which is to bring a little bag of 1$ toys from the dollar store or the bargain bins at target. Then the toys will be something new to play with.
What fun! I'm looking for some handwork that's not cross-stitching ... this looks like a great idea!
We haven't flown with our toddler yet (or taken him on crazy long car trips either) so I'm short on ideas, I'm sorry to say. :(
That is darling, I've always wanted to try hexagons.
i recently made some crayon wallets using the sewfantastic pattern. they have colored pencils, stickers and a sketch pad in a neat little case. perfect for a flight!
Let them play games on your phone while it is in "airplane safe" mode.
lovely......I am a novice quilter so perfect for me.
And the children in the plane question.....
I think a surprisebag will keep them quiet for a while.
Silly putty! and Wikki Stix (they are like wax coated yarn or something that can be twisted into all sorts of shapes)
Adorable prize. Thanks!
Love the giveaway!! As far as entertainment ideas... colored pencils and paper are always a big hit. Can you show the older two how to knit? And, of course, there is always a movie on the laptop or dvd player.
It's called a portable DVD player! A must have!
Great hexes, great blog.
What a cute idea! And so useful, too. :)
Oh what a fun give a way you are hosting!! And as for flying - I would pack some fun snacks of course, but also if there is a special book that has not been read, that is wonderful to buy for the older children and for the younger, a little something special that you know they would really enjoy-new color book, etc. :o) I hope that helps.
Sincerely ~ Tricia
I am in love with your lunchmates! We enjoy a picnic in our town where a local band plays on Thursday nights and this would be a welcomed idea!
As for the kids, we don't travel anywhere without our DSi(s)! appleshae@hotmail.com
Wow, I've wanted to try the hexagon, but it looks hard!
For airplane rides I get sketch board for each kid, either one that uses water to draw on it, then air dries away or one that uses magnets and you can write on, then move the little knob across to erase (very technical lingo, I know!) and give them assignments (draw the letter A, draw me a moose, etc). It works for car rides, too.
Oh oh oh!! I'm CROSSING MY FINGERS for this one!! That is just GORGEOUS!! But I too have been wanting to get on the Hexi bandwagon but just have to looked into it to see what I need (papers) yet. Would LOVE to win this! I guess for my own kids a gamboy and books would work. But that's pretty generic so maybe you could give them each a $10 or $15 gift card and if they bought their own (used) game or book that might get them excited enough to entertain them;)
Oooh, I take sack lunches six days a week. This would be so handy to have!
I don't have kids, but I'm going to go with an old standby that kept my brothers and I occupied for hours...Mad-Libs! And yes, you can still get them!
What a gorgeous giveaway! As far as entertaining kids on the plane... books, coloring books, stickerbooks, a quiet book...
Thanks for the chance to win!
this is adorable. I would love, love, love to try something new - sounds fun. What a great giveaway. To entertain children... I have a one year old & we have only taken her with us once & she was little enough to pass out for it all. Sorry I don't have any suggestions. Thanks for the chance to win!
How to entertain a child... With my little brother we made him a little backpack that had coloring books and crayons, a reading book, a stuffed animal and a few snacks. Something so he could decide what he wanted to do and enough activities that he could jump back and forth.
What a great give away. I love the little lunch set, it would go perfectly with the little lunch bag I am planning on making to take to my new job :)
i always loved small travel games and coloring books on long trips when i was a child...
kaceykendrickwagner {at} gmail.com
a great give a way. New toys, i pod, a treat and a pillow
That is totally awesome giveaway! I have four kids and the one thing that has always helped on long trips is a magnadoodle. They can color and color and color (or a small white board). That and snacks!!!
We've taken 24 hour road trips but no long flights with our little guy (who is now 16 months). Cheerios are a life saver!
How about a picture book scavenger hunt, kind like a Where's Waldo, but they don't have to just find Waldo. Find something green, something mechanical, something you can eat, etc.
And as someone that brings lunch from home daily at eats outside, that prize is perfect!
I'd say a movie, books, coloring books, or hand held games for a plane ride.
I love the hexagon look too! I've been wanting to make my own project with them on it. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
What a great give-away! I'd love to enter.
For entertaining little ones...hm. Books on how to draw different things kept me busy little person. Brain-teasers and puzzle books are also good.
Thank you for this great giveaway! I'd get a great new novel for each, plus a big fat book of various puzzles, word searches and the like.
Great giveaway. I'd love to give the hexagons a try. I keep my 4 yr old busy on long flights with plenty of cheap toys from discount stores. I wrap them like gifts and only get them out once he's bored with everything else. I buy cheap toys that can be lost or left behind. For older kids you could try some plasticine modeling clay. The type that doesn't make too much mess... if there is such a thing! Good luck!
Beautiful! What a great idea! Well, I have an almost 4 year old and the portable DVD player is my best friend on long car rides. I've also bought a few new activities and toys from the dollar store and wrapped them individually. He gets a new item everyone in a while as the trip progresses. Thanks for the great giveaway!
What a great giveaway, the lunchmate is lovely! I've only ever entertained really young babies/toddlers on flights, but whenI was younger Madlibs and crosswords were always a good way to keep me busy ;)
I bought my little guy buttons and beads with big holes, and gave him yarn to string it on. Seemed to keep him happy for a while!
I havent tried hexi's yet but I have been dying to try them! Portable DVD players are the best, also leapster is awesome and my little girl loves it, or maybe a crayon tote so they can bring their coloring stuff with them. If it were me I would bring all 3.
I would tell the older ones that part of what they owe you for the ticket is to entertain the younger one in shifts. :-) Schedule the flight so that each hour they trade off and give them activities to do. Hour one: Journaling or drawing about where they're going. Hour two: Playing go-fish with tiny playing cards. Hour three: Each member of the family picks a different word and the kids have to write a story together using all of those words - orange, monkey, helicopter, hiking, hokey-pokey. Etc.
The kid on the off-shift will likely either wish to continue having fun with the other two OR will be so relieved that their shift is over, they'll dive into a book or video and you won't hear from them until their "rest" is over. :-)
Great Giveaway!
Wow that is so cute and that hexagon starter kit looks great! Um now for the difficult part - maybe some kind of bag with various different activities to pull at at different points during the flight. I.e a new magazine, maybe a pack of cards for the older ones so they can play solitare etc.
This is great, I would love to have this.
I love hexagons and haven't tried them myself yet:)
Stop by my blog, I'm participating in the giveaway as well :)
word games!! xoxoxox xoxox
I have just found a great tutorial on etsy for a crayon wallet! It holds a pack of crayons, papaer and stickers! My daughter loved hers so much that she slept with it for a week! Definatly good for dr.s offices, airplanes, restarants, etc!
(my email is on my profile!)
Ooh... scraps and hex templates... drooling over here.
You could have your little lovelies sort your hexies by color... or come up with some sort of hexie board game, like hexie checkers or something?
If you get a chance come check out my giveaway at http://buttonandbean.blogspot.com
being married to a pilot, we've done a lot of flying. Easiest way by far (and the one that will make you feel the most guilty) is a portable DVD player. The BEST.
But I also love to bring new crayons, a few big buttons, and some yarn scraps, along with a glue stick, and see who can make the best barf bag puppet!
I love the portable placemat! What a great use of those pretty hexes! The last time I flew, I had a three year old and a one year old. We borrowed a portable dvd player, bought a headphone splitter, and put in Toy Story. For older kids, you would need to update the dvd. :) As another thought, I bought a really neat creativity coloring books at Costco a while back. Here is a link for the one that we bought, but there are several different kinds. http://www.amazon.com/Scribbles-Really-Giant-Drawing-Coloring/dp/0811855090/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274124847&sr=8-1
They require more creativity than just coloring. Could be very neat for older kids. THanks for the great giveaway.
It's probably been said before but sticker books and magnetic drawing pads/books work well for my 3 & 5 yr olds ... also the game Top Trumps (which your older ones would probably like too). Good luck!
Love the hexagons! I've been an English paper piecing fan for a while.
My best plane travel tip? Post-it notes. We travel with a pencil pouch filled with a variety of sizes of post-its, blunt nosed scissors (Yes, they're allowed), and twistables. You can make all sorts of things and stick them to the plane. Also, ask for an extra cup - use it as a pencil cup (jam it between the tray and the seat in front of you) to keep the twistables from rolling away.
DVD player never worked well for us. I stopped lugging it 2 years ago.
I would love to get hooked on hexies, this would be just the push i need to actually have a go. Thanks for the giveaway.
Wonderful! I've been wanting to try hexagons, but have been a bit hesitant. And I love the little picnic lunchmate!
My tips: Make a little surprise pack for each them, and don't let them see anything that's in it until the plane is off the ground. Put a brand new toy inside, a new coloring book and a fresh box of crayons, their favorite chewing gum, little ziplocs full of snacks, lacing cards, a cross stitch kit, whatever you think will keep them interested. Good luck!
I love hexagons! I think card games (a few different kinds) and a crayon roll with never before seen coloring books might keep the kiddos busy!
Oh, how adorable is that?!
As for the flight thing, I have no clue. I'm taking my 1.5 year old on a (thankfully short!) flight next month. Kinda dreading it. I plan on bringing lots and lots of snacks and hoping that keeps her little mouth and hands occupied. And lots of toys too, of course. I harbor no illusions I'll be able to do anything other than entertain her - but since yours are older you'll be fine. :)
I got my daughter a stash of paper cranes and other goodies for our flight. She gave them to people she saw and people we sat by. She loved being able to give other people presents.
I fly at least once a year with our little kids so I am somewhat of an expert at this lol!! We don't have a DVD player so I get several items for each kid, just cheap stuff, crayons, cards, little games etc, and wrap them up and give them one every hour on the plane. I think the thing they like the most are activity books. Have fun!
entertain kids....coloring book contest!!! we used to have those on long road trips! worked like charm
Very nice! Hexagons look intimidating, but I'm up for the challenge! The lunchmate would be great for my son who makes a mess where ever he eats!
Thanks so much for the cute prizes and they are unique and fun too!
Love these handmade goodies!I used to do crosswords and wordsearches on the plane when i was the older kids' ages, the little one....i dunno!
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