Look, her staging even went perfectly with the honey bun cake stand thing I had going.

The boys were all excited, and thought I bought them a pet lizard. Nope, just filling a few pin cushions with walnut shells.

...and the crafting I get done in between all the activity of three very busy boys.
Look, her staging even went perfectly with the honey bun cake stand thing I had going.
The boys were all excited, and thought I bought them a pet lizard. Nope, just filling a few pin cushions with walnut shells.
I'm really loving this fabric! (good thing, since I have nine mini quilts to make once this big one is done)
This finished square is about 17", I just have to decide which fabric to frame it with for the table's center.
And now go look here! She is already on day 41 and I didn't see this yet?! I may do a few of her peppermint candies to go with the Figgy Pudding.
Three Honey Buns and Four Jelly Rolls
Four fat quarter packs
They were out of the brown fat quarter pack, so some yard cuts of my favorite browns, plus some extra of those wonderful reds and aqua trees.
Now, I would love some help from all you creative, crafty women out there! I have volunteered to decorate a table for our women's tea and want to do a quilty theme. Two years ago I did one, and made lighted, glass packages. Hard to see, but each cube has mini Christmas lights inside.
You can hang things on the chair backs, too. (My mom helped me get the table all set and made some of those bows, too)
It doesn't have to be Christmas-y. Here is a friend's spa table.
And another's super cute picnic theme. There were plastic ants all around!
So, I'm thinking about making a quilted tablecloth of some kind - but I plan on keeping it all light, fresh, and modern looking. I love Moda's jelly rolls, and thought about using a few of them in the center on a cake plate a-la-Camille. I also really like how a fun quilted pillow can show off a wonky log cabin or star. The middle of the table should have just a little height and some light. I have been thinking it over but can't figure out how to work pillows into that. Or maybe not at all?!
I would love any ideas from the creative group on making a quilty table scape! I need to get going if I'm going to make a bunch of stuff. Thanks!
Today was the first day of preschool for Becket. He decorated the tote bag they all are given to carry, and is clutching a picture of us that I printed out for him. His teacher said there were a few tears, but the photo had helped. Becket said he had fun, but he's good with just staying home all the time. I foresee a difficult time getting him out of the van on Thursday morning!
My triangles are coming together nicely, and have resolved themselves into a nice pattern.
Labor Day weekend is just days away, but I finished the picnic quilt! It is a little over 70x70 and nicely crinkled with stipples. If you're wondering about my template dimensions, you'll find them back in this post.
Pretty package all tied up
The fabric on the back is all found home decor - Pottery Barn Kids and Eddie Bauer window treatments that cost me $5 in total. I thought the heavy weight would be helpful on damp ground.
The Pottery Barn treatments included these long ties. I simply attached two under my binding to make the blanket easier to carry and stash in the van.
Speaking of binding, this is a fun bandanna-type print that looked very picnic-y to me. A departure from my standard stripe! I love a crisp binding edge.
I had to point out these ants. Perfect for the picnic.
Yes, we really will use it on the ground. And even eat on it! As my friend would suggest, get a good mess on it right away, then you won't even worry about it any more. I'm sure the boys will be able to think of something.