Thirty-one yards - my birthday and Christmas combined. And a serious start to the stash year.
In case you don't want to be tempted by all my fabric photos, I'll put the week's stash report here at the top (and I'm including this shopping trip in my first week report)
Cathedral window blocks EAT fabric, so that's good for the stash report!
Busted: 1.919
Purchased: 31 yards
Net YTD: (28.081)
All I wanted for Christmas was a trip to the
Fabric Shack - by myself. It's only about 25 minutes from my in-laws. I got my wish, and it was fabulous!
First stop in the store were two carts that they pile high with bolt ends and small strips. They do a high volume of internet sales, which are cut each evening and morning before the store opens. Lucky me - they had just added a whole bunch that morning. A true treasure hunt when all that fabric is only $2.98 a yard!
I found some fun Kona solids.
These two were favorite treasures. I think it was a little over 9 yards total in 'scraps', between a quarter and full yards, most of the pieces are in my color piles below. But there were a few true scraps that I snatched up for making QAYG blocks.
I think I spent a full hour just going through those piles. It was heaven.
Next stop were the FQ bins. They will cut a FQ for you in the shop if you ask, and the other half goes into their bins. Instead of the original yardage price, FQs from the bin are only $1.98 each!
That's 28 FQs of treasure I found.
Including this adorable holiday version of 2D zoo. LOVE the anteater and rhino!
The lady behind the counter was kind enough to pass over the bin of the previous day's cuts that had not yet made it to their color-grouped FQ bins. Since they were stacked as cut, it was fun to picture the women who had been in that day. One bought herself a FQ set of MoMo's Hoot, probably spending Christmas money. And another bought a full set of Soul Blossoms. These were my favorite from that line.
All the remaining stacks here are grouped by color, as I store them in my cabinets.
Julie and Audrie would be proud of my purple piece!
Reds, Yellows, Oranges
Greens - my favorite.
I really liked that mostly white print!
A bit of grey.
This was the most dissapointing. I was really loooking for some fun grey prints, but didn't find much.
What was funny, I had pre-ordered that top left spot before leaving Illinois. It was in their online only clearance section, then I just asked that they hold it until I arrived. (They'll do that all the time, for those who live close and want to shop at night in their jammies!) When I arrived, the end of bolt piece was on the pile - so I grabbed the last yard at only 2.98.
Besides the grey, I was also specifically looking for some good neutrals. I want to use them for QAYG and have also been interested to try them out a bit. I just kept pulling bolts and had half or quarter yards cut.
My birthday isn't until February, but my mom gave me birthday cash early - knowing I was going to the fabric shack soon. So there wasn't much restraint shown in my fabric gathering!
A closer look at the creams, with a touch of blue.
And finally, a few fun black and whites.
I ended my outing about 3 1/2 hours later with a quiet lunch out.
By myself.
With my book.
I loved every second of it.