The back. My first try at applique. I used this awesome Jiffy-Pop method.

I'm so excited, I have to share some details behind how I came up with this quilt. First, I love MATH. In college my favorite course was differential equations, and before kids I was a mechanical enigeer. So my pattern plans look like my old homework!

Now, indulge me just a tiny bit of math talk. I have been knitting for the past severl yars and was always pleased with bags and sweaters I created using Fibonacci numbers and decided to give them a whirl in a quilt. In short, Fibonacci numbers are a series of numbers where the previous two add together to make the next: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55....
Beyond the math geek, why in the world would anyone knit and quilt with these things, you ask?! Because they are very organic and naturally pleasing when you use numbers that are next to each other. Here's an example from nature I found in a Wikipedia photo - florets in the center of sunflowers are often fibonacci numbers 34 and 55. See how pretty!
So while I have a hard time knowing how to create pretty designs, I do know I enjoy the math. And I hope the numbers can help lead me to some elegant and organic quilts.
Now you may want to head over to A La Mode and enter her moving-destash give away for some new fabric for your own creations!
Wonderful quilt. I love the fact that you designed it yourself. And I love the maths references. Must remember that when next calculating border widths etc. I love the fabric featured on both the back and front of your quilt. I used that fabric on they back of my baby Spring Quilt only last week too. It's a great design.
Red Pepper Quilts
Beautiful quilt! I really like that color combo.
Your quilts are beautiful. I don't think anyone would believe you are a beginner! How great that you enjoy math, I've always been hindered by my fear of it. I sort of wish they had taught me in school that I could use it when quilting, maybe it would have made more sense. Thanks for sharing and being so inspiring.
It is a beautiful quilt. I love the circles on the back and the colours.
I love it! Isn't it fun when you can make something beautiful and intellectually pleasing at the same time? :-) It's like a little inside joke.
I really like this quilt. The fact you designed it is even better. Oh, and the colors...I could go on and on...love the quilt.
I LOVE your quilt. I wish that I was better at math and liked it. Now I know who to come to when I need math help.:) Great job!!!
I am sooo coming to you next time I'm stumped with a quilty math problem you math wizard you! :)
I LOVE that quilt. What a great design. You should be so proud!
You are so right. The Fibonacci numbers DO work. I love your finished quilt.
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