My mom's friend sent this along for me when she found out I was newly obsessed with quilting. I absolutely love it and think it perfectly sums up all the amazing creations I'm finding through the Bloggers Quilt Festival.

How many Quilts?
After having been asked how many quilts I've made, who I'm making this one for, or that one for, or why, and how many quilts do I think I need .....
I came to the following conclusion:
I am a creator, an artist, just as much as a painter is ...
Does anyone ask a painter who he is painting for or why he is painting yet another landscape? How many pictures/portraits has he painted?
How many canvases or paintings does he need? NO!
Does a painter stop wanting to paint because he has reached some number that symbolizes the end of his need to paint? "Okay, that's #100, I'm done now ..."
I create because I am driven to create.
My medium just happens to be fabric and thread, instead of oil or acrylics on canvas ...
but I create for the same reason ...
to express myself, to share myself, to experiment ...
Even if the quilt doesn't have a purpose, a recipient, a reason.
Quilting is my voice.
I Quilt, therefore I am!
Author Unknown
After having been asked how many quilts I've made, who I'm making this one for, or that one for, or why, and how many quilts do I think I need .....
I came to the following conclusion:
I am a creator, an artist, just as much as a painter is ...
Does anyone ask a painter who he is painting for or why he is painting yet another landscape? How many pictures/portraits has he painted?
How many canvases or paintings does he need? NO!
Does a painter stop wanting to paint because he has reached some number that symbolizes the end of his need to paint? "Okay, that's #100, I'm done now ..."
I create because I am driven to create.
My medium just happens to be fabric and thread, instead of oil or acrylics on canvas ...
but I create for the same reason ...
to express myself, to share myself, to experiment ...
Even if the quilt doesn't have a purpose, a recipient, a reason.
Quilting is my voice.
I Quilt, therefore I am!
Author Unknown
I love it.
Wow! The colors are so bright and vibrant! I am a little afraid to work with colors like that but really love this quilt!
I love the quilt but I also love what was said. That's how I feel because I'm new to this and I've gone a little out of control. I just like to create!! Who cares for now if it has a place to go or if it's staying here. LOVE IT!!!
Thank you.
What a great way saying it.
It makes me feel more comfortable with making alot more quilts than I need :-)
I like this. I also like your blog. I'm new at quilting but not sewing and have always thought I'm not artistic, but I always felt that when I sew/quilt that I am being artistic.
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