I finally made it to a meeting of The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild on Sunday. Which is good, since I was in charge of the Ticker Tape workshop!

Jennie was awesome and volunteered to start up that blogger site for our guild so everybody can easily see what we've been up to without joining the official Ning site. Most of the photos here are from Jennie, Susan, and Karen - they did a great job capturing our fun!

Jennie was awesome and volunteered to start up that blogger site for our guild so everybody can easily see what we've been up to without joining the official Ning site. Most of the photos here are from Jennie, Susan, and Karen - they did a great job capturing our fun!
So all those quilters in my last post are rummaging through the awesome pile of scraps we brought. I asked the women to being along their scissors, a glue stick, a mini quilt sized piece of solid, and some scraps to share. What better way to bond with fellow quilters than over each others scraps!

I talked briefly on how I made the Ticker Tape Parade for the auction, showed my tiny sample and a few tips on quilting up their mini once it got home. Then we went at it! My favorite comment - it was like the start of a yummy dinner, when all the chatting stops and people are just chewing. We got very quiet as the treasure hunt began.

Some gathered blues and greens, one hunted for black and white prints, Emily has a niece who needs a pink and green creation. (Emily decided to come to the meeting at the last minute, so she just brought her whole, huge scrap bin - it was great!)

I went with the random - I LOVE THAT FABRIC - approach. I did arrange my pile in a color order I liked but am totally unable to commit to a layout so quickly. I was the only one who didn't nearly finish while there. I was busy talking and looking at everybody's stuff, anyway.

I think Mary was done first. She also went random, and did a cool layout. Oh and all the extra scraps at the end were saved by Ebony, our super awesome program coordinator, for a future Iron Quilter event. Like Iron Chef - super cool!

Frieda had the most awesome house shape going - she said she would be adding some threadwork on top. It is going to become a hanging for her front door or entryway.

Jen wins for fasted completed - hers was bound and quilted by Monday! She also has only been quilting for 6 months and her mini is fantastic.

I was surprised that only a few of us had white for the solid. There was essex linen, yellows, blue, pink, greys and black. Susan finished quilting and the extra white stitches really add to the texture on that black background. Super cool.

Check out the links I have in the post for more pictures of ticker tapes and the show and tell. It was a great time - so glad they let me lead this workshop!
What a fun project for the group! We're having a sew-in with our MQG on Thursday night. I may have to organize a ticker-tape-a-thon for the next one!
I have yet to make a mini for my house. I might have to do one of these.
That looks like fun we are always trying to find something new for our guild up here in Canada I hope you won't mind if I borrow the idea
What a great idea for a guild workshop!!! Wish I could have been there. Looks like a great time was had by all! Love the idea of the guild saving the extra scraps for future projects.
How fun! I love all the white thread around the pieces on the black background. Very cool. Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed this post :)
It looks like the workshop went really well! The diversity of designs/ideas is wonderful!
now that looked like one cool meeting!!! :)
xo, Heather
these are awesome. i wish there was a guild like this around here.
That sounds like a fun guild meeting, and great results!
these are so cool! What a fun activity for your quilt group to do!
That is so amazing! Come to Canada and do the same thing!
This looks like such a fun project! Your ticker project is adorable, I've always wanted some of those VW buses...
What a fun group day....super cute.
OMG what a great idea...and so cute!! you all look like you had a great time too.
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