I have a whole pile of 2.5" squares left over from last summer's nine-patch along with Amanda Jean. Since I have all those squares already cut I thought 1" hexes would be the perfect thing to try out first.
I printed out templates on three different materials - printer paper, card stock, and freezer paper. Links here and here. I found so many different views on what works best, thought I should just try them all.

But I also just ordered a bunch of 3/4" to make that lovely pillow - I'll give those a try and save all that tiny fiddling. Besides, they were on sale at Cotton & Chocolate, with less than a dollar for shipping!

A trip to Target yielded my first Liberty of London purchase. Couldn't pass up the XLs marked clearance. Thought they would make some cute hexagons.

I'm a total slacker and haven't made any April blocks yet for two of my bees. I set the little packages aside when they arrived and have been mired in daily crazy since then. I promise to get on those!
I feel like all I ever do is taxi the boys to Lacrosse practices and other stuff. For fun I reset my trip odometer last week to see how far I go in seven days.

This is actually 9 days - but holy cow - 258 miles! I haven't even left our suburb! No wonder Becket protests when we have to load up yet again.
Finally, Becket found this in our yard - a little Robin nest. He had to take some pictures.

No, he didn't have to climb the tree. He's standing on the ground! Unfortunately, it wasn't a very good spot, as we noticed today that all the eggs are gone. They must have been eaten by another bird.

will love to hear your report on hexes. i have yet to try them out. lots of good squares to work with!
have a good weekend.
Have fun in South Bend ( I live here) and good luck on your hexes!
Oooooh hexagon fun! I can't wait to see them :)
Liberty of London's already on clearance? Actually I'm more surprised there's anything left hehe The little cars are adorable.
I haven't tried the hexes yet...will be interested to hear your thoughts.
I definitely know what you mean about driving and driving and never leaving town. The farthest I go is down to route 60 (leaving Lville, I guess), but I still need gas all the time!
Sad about the eggs--but your little guy was adorable taking his photos!
I printed my hexes on regular paper then took the sheets to be laminated at Staples then cut them out and punched a hole in the center of them. I have used them dozens of times with no problems or having to cut more. I cut out 150 to start of the 1" hexes from the same site you printed them from.
So much good stuff in this post, and how cute are those little Robin eggs :)
Hey Angela,
Glad to see that you have caught the Hexagon bug!
BTW-Those PJs are too stinking cute.
oh, i sooo want to try some hexies!! i really am soo inspired by all the pretty ones popping up!!
Enjoy the handwork while you're out playing supermom! I know we travel a lot during soccer and basketball seasons!
The pictures of the your baby taking pictures of other babies is just darling!
Drive safe and have fun!
be careful... hexagons are addicting!!
Have fun with the hexagons. I'll be interested in hearing which method works best.
Your squares for the hexagons look so fun--I can't wait to see what you end up with! Have fun and good luck at the lacrosse tournament.
Thanks for the link-back! I hope the templates came in handy - can't wait to see hexie pictures :)
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