Yesterday I became the parent of a teenager! Yikes!

He didn't want a cake - just his own, huge blizzard. At DQ my husband mentioned that it was his birthday, so she topped it with a pile of whipped cream. She asked if he was 13. My husband replied, 'Yep, did you see the rebellion in his eyes?'

He got roller blades and had fun testing them out inside the house. It's winter here again.

I made a huge lasagna, with double the ricotta and noodles, per Caleb's birthday request. Also managed to get in one, huge shoo fly block - it's 34" square!
Happy Birthday to your Caleb!
wow, that is a huge block! i love it.
ooh, I was wondering how fast I would see one of the giant shoo-fly blocks pop up - pretty darn fast, apparently! I really like that block! By itself, it would make a great table topper...or maybe a small baby quilt... very nice!
Aww happy birthday to Caleb!
Holy crap that's one big block lol! And could I send you some of this summer we're having? My body has no clue what's going on!
Happy Birthday to your son! You can have some of our heat! It has been in the 90's here, too hot for April if you ask me. I can't wait to see that quilt come together, that block is huge!
Love your block! I went to the store to buy some great fabric to make a couple of those shoo fly quilts myself today. My daughter needs some quilts to auction off to raise funds for her adoption fund and I thought those would be fun and fast!
Happy Birthday to your son! My firstborn a daughter turns 13 on the 25th. Love your shoo-fly block. As soon as I saw those I wanted to make one too, but have too many irons in the fire right now.
Happy Birthday to Caleb! A great way to celebrate! That is one huge block too!!
That is a lot of whipped cream!!! Lucky boy! Happy birthday to him!
Happy Birthday to the teenager!!! You have lots of fun ahead of you ;-) I have to say that is one huge block you have there. Very cool!
that is one ginormous block! i just made my moms gift with those lemons!
WOW! Those are two HUGE things.
Congrats on both of them :0)
Happy Birthday to Caleb!
Watch the vid on this blog - very appropriate!
Sounds like a perfect birthday celebration to me!
Is that one of Malka' supersized blocks? Until I saw yours, I just really wasn't comprehending HOW BIG those blocks are! Amazing!
Happy Birthday Caleb! That really is a huge block.
Happy Birthday to the boy/man!
Great block. Can't wait to see how you quilt these things...
And it's snowing here today so I completely understand.
Happy birthday to you both!
'Yep, did you see the rebellion in his eyes?' HA! I am truly laughing out loud!
Happy b-day to your boy, and best wishes to you and hubs.
I can't believe you got winter weather again! Agghhhh!
love the giant quilt block!!
As the mom of two, count them-two!, teenaged boys, it only gets better from here!
That block is ginormous! Can't wait to see more!
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