I have a whole pile of 2.5" squares left over from last summer's nine-patch along with Amanda Jean. Since I have all those squares already cut I thought 1" hexes would be the perfect thing to try out first.
I printed out templates on three different materials - printer paper, card stock, and freezer paper. Links here and here. I found so many different views on what works best, thought I should just try them all.

But I also just ordered a bunch of 3/4" to make that lovely pillow - I'll give those a try and save all that tiny fiddling. Besides, they were on sale at Cotton & Chocolate, with less than a dollar for shipping!

A trip to Target yielded my first Liberty of London purchase. Couldn't pass up the XLs marked clearance. Thought they would make some cute hexagons.

I'm a total slacker and haven't made any April blocks yet for two of my bees. I set the little packages aside when they arrived and have been mired in daily crazy since then. I promise to get on those!
I feel like all I ever do is taxi the boys to Lacrosse practices and other stuff. For fun I reset my trip odometer last week to see how far I go in seven days.

This is actually 9 days - but holy cow - 258 miles! I haven't even left our suburb! No wonder Becket protests when we have to load up yet again.
Finally, Becket found this in our yard - a little Robin nest. He had to take some pictures.

No, he didn't have to climb the tree. He's standing on the ground! Unfortunately, it wasn't a very good spot, as we noticed today that all the eggs are gone. They must have been eaten by another bird.