As I'm sure you can guess, I used the Spray N Wash more than once this weekend. The table quilt was on the receiving end of a server that doesn't know how to pour coffee. I think I was in shock for a second.

It all came out after two runs through the wash with the stain treatment (and a color catcher in the mix just to be safe). It looks like new - even better, now that it's all crinkly and soft!

Luckily I didn't wash it before the tea. It went from about 77" square to 73". That would have been a bit short on that 66" banquet table! As it was, I think it sat perfectly. Guess I'll have to make a new one if I do another tea!

My sister in law Laura (left), Mom (right), and I went over to the club at 10:00 Sunday morning to start setting up. I was worried about how the chair backs would come together. But they went quickly and perfectly.

A huge part of the fun is spending the time setting the table and chatting with the other women doing theirs. Things went so smoothly, we even had time for a yummy bowl of soup at the golfer's restaurant downstairs.

My Grandpa made that little stool the dog is on in high school - early 1930's.
My husband is a hobby photographer, so he came with his nice lenses and special flashes to get some good photos in the strange ball-room light. He was grabbed by so many other women, that he ended up taking pictures of all 28 tables. Once he has them all cropped and loaded on the SmugMug site, I'll add a link for those who are curious. This is one I took with my little camera of a candy cane table that I loved.

My table was in the front row, just to the side of center, right next to the priest's table! So we had a good view of the singers. Fr. Tom commented after the tea that all the women at my table were lucky to have been going home with the little quilts. He enjoyed looking them over. That was nice.

I did get a new name while there - a large number of women dubbed me "over-achiever". And it was fun chatting with several who were quilters themselves. One was sure I had sent it out or had a long arm - nope.

All my invited friends seemed to have a great time, and I think they liked their little quilts. A most wonderful day!
Oh my goodness is that beautiful!!! Congrats on a great finished table! You must be so pleased!
your table turned out perfect!!! Good job!
Your table was amazing!! Just beautiful!!
~ Jennie
What a fantastic table!!
yay for you! i bet you're happy it's all over :) and everything looked so great!
The table looks so beautiful. I am glad you had a wonderful time. Was there much fighting for the quilts? I love the gnome peeking out from the candle.
Oh, it turned out SO well! Hooray! And I'm so glad the coffee stains came out. I would have lost it! :-)
Congratulations on pulling together such a marvelous table. What a big goal and you smashed right thru it! take the day off! Im sure you must be exhausted after this weekend!!
it looks so perfect!! my heart would have stopped when the coffee spilled. thank goodness you had the stain remover. i would have jumped right out of my chair. those ladies must have been fighting over seats to get the prettiest quilt.
Everything looks amazing! You are an over achiever...I bet everyone soo appreciated all of your work! Glad the quilt cleaned up fine too!
Wow!! What a massive amount of time and effort you put into making such a wonderful set of displays.
You are amazing!!!
Wow, Angela! Your table looked gorgeous, you did so much work! I'm so glad you got the coffee stains out of the tablecloth quilt.
Everything turned out beautifully!!! All the quilts look great on those chairs. I love the blue organza looking chair covers (not sure what it's called)...the quilts matched perfectly. You are definitely an over achiever, and I am sure you are downplaying the wonderful comments and compliments sent your way. I'm curious as to how you did the seating? Assigned or first come first served ....as in first ones there get to pick their seats and quilts? You have definitely raised the bar for next year's event!!! Glad it turned out so well for you. You definitely worked hard. Great job well done!!!
Very Very nice! I agree they are lucky. You did such a great job, I really think the table is lovely. Really how did you do it with little ones???
Not an over achiever, just someone who has a huge servant's heart...and a caring and giving spirit. Everything looks beautiful and you look like you're happy, exhausted, excited and nervous all at the same time!
The Lego cake is awesome and aren't you thankful we don't have to go to the creek and beat stains out anymore! LOL
Beautifully done!
It looks Wonderful! I was so looking forward to your post to tell us how your day had gone. Do you have a pic of each of the quilts with their new owners?. They were each so wonderful and special. I am sure everyone will cherish their new quilts.
it looks beautiful!!! i'm glad it all went well.. i was thinking about you! as for being an over achiever.. i take that as a compliment!! in the end they were just jealous.. and you know it!!
WOW! You did a FANTASTIC job!!! The chair covers!! WOW! I must be at a lose for words!! :)
Your table looks fabulous and I'm so glad it went as well as it did! I would have had a fit when the coffee server poured onto my that lovely quilt!
This is really fantastic! I bet you had so much fun putting everything together for the table! I am sure everyone was just in awe!
Couldn't wait to see your post! How beautiful! I'm glad it went well, such an amazing table. I too have an over-achiever complex but you just have to manage it. I say yes to a few things I can focus on and a polite no to everything else that would make life too insane. :) Great job!
It all looks amazing. Congrats on your "job well done"...and so glad you were able to enjoy yourself too!!
i'm gonna take a stab that you had the best table...and maybe I'm a little biased with all of that quilty goodness (with Heather Ross, eek!!), but yeah, the table looked awesome :) and yes, you probably are an over-achiever, lol :)
Your table looks just perfect, absolutely gorges!!! What a luck bunch that got to sit with you.
I'm so glad to hear your table quilt survived for you!
Beautifully done!
I kept checking in for your post. You did it and it looks amazing.
As for the frosting, what were you thinking? I have messed many things up with very bright frosting. Next time try already tinted fondant.
Your table looks amazing!!
I'm so happy for you, everything turned out absolutely gorgeous! all of your hard work paid off, good for you! Love the pictures
And I"m surprised your tablecloth shrunk that much, btw!
Hooray! Everything came together SO beautifully. I am SO impressed. Each mini quilt was fabulous, and that big quilt was amazing. AND you quilted them all!! I need to come take lessons.
Can't wait to see what's next!
The table looked beautiful! And my heart would've stopped when that coffee spilled!! Glad you got it out :)
oh my gosh angela!!!
it looks amazing!!!
WOW! This turned out amazing! I love the jelly rolls for decor! Those are some lucky ladies.. and I think I would have killed the server that spilled the coffee, but in the parking lot... after... with the priest sitting the table over it would not have been the time or place :)
Absolutely beautiful! The chair covers are adorable too! Compliments to your husband on his photography too.
Your table looked great! You did an awesome job and I'm sure there must have been a rush to sit there! Or were the seat assigned? They are going to want you to do a table every year!
overachiever is right!!! i was wondering how your tablecloth faired. i'm glad to hear that your spray and wash was successful! phew! your table looked fantastic!
I just found you on flickr. I love these series of pictures from your event. I am still reading your blog, but was wondering what the whole Tea was about? I also wondered about where you got patterns for a few things. I LOVE your little fabric bowls that you had tea lights in (with the gnome fabric) and also about the pattern for one of the chair back pieces that had striped circles on it. Oh I would have loved to have been there!!!
Thanks for sharing with us!!
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