This is a block for the other bee that I'm part of this year - One Block Over. I'm having great fun making just one or two blocks with fun fabrics. Avoids a bit of the 'second sock/mitten syndrome' that fellow knitters understand.

Michele sent a fun pile of Bloom and Grow from Riley Blake and loves both pinwheels and stars (me too!) She sent a pattern, but also said we could change it up pretty much however we liked. So I ended up with a wonky shooting star kind of thing.
With a super sweet bird in the top corner.
I love that! I totally saw the shooting star thing before I even read it :) I understand about the second sock / mitten thing... I have a couple unfinished WIPs that'll prove it lol
Lucky, lucky!! That's me in this round. I love the wonkiness and I love the fussy cut bird. That fabric is so darling!
-- michele
Nice job! I love the block and the fabrics!
FABULOUS! Well done!
i love this. especially the little bird!!! i have been thinking about starting a wonky star once i get some other projects done.
I love this block! Great job!
pretty block!
Beautiful and I love the fabric.
I love what you did with this blog! It looks great!
And by blog, I mean pattern... sorry!
I love the material! I also really like that block!
I love this block! It looks really great
I love this block and fabrics. The shooting star idea is great, nice job!
wow, really used your fabrics to the best of their abilities! does that make sense? definitely made the most of this one, i love it!
Love the fabric and what you did with it!
Fantastic, love your use of the many fabrics on this single block!
Angela, i have to tell you that i love your blog. you are so creative and super motivated and i am very inspired by you. because of that i am nominating you for a award over on my blog.
Cute block! It totally looks like a shooting star...especially with the floral vine block in the corner
Very Yummy!
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