Look what the UPS guy left for me!
I was thinking about it for ages, then my birthday came, and I finally went for it. I think my Bernina training class did the most to make me feel like I could use this strange, chopping thing. I figured that if I could understand how to fix the guts, certainly I could make it stitch things together without slicing off my fingers.
Of course, with a baby girl on the way, my birthday also included lots of wonderful pink stuff.
And there was much fun with the tissue paper....
.....almost as much fun as fitting my new toy perfectly onto a shelf in my sewing room.
Now I just have to learn how to use it! I've pinned a whole ton of stuff, scoured blogs, checked out a book - and I'll be sure to share all the new things I learn.
First up, I was planning on making some fuzzy PJ pants for Becket. I could use several new skills on them, and being just PJs, wouldn't have to worry about them looking perfect.
My trip to Target this morning turned up exactly what I needed for them! I found this 62x90" micro fleece blanket on the clearance shelf, only $7.48 for 2.5yards of super soft fabric. Way better than JoAnn's with a coupon, and perfect for my first try at serging a piece of clothing.
Two of the boys were miserably sick with flu aches last week. In between drink refills and movie changes, I actually pulled out some of my longest hoarded, most favorite fabrics. And Cut. Them. Up.
I need a cool diaper bag for this summer!
Yay for new toys!! Good luck learning how to use it - I was taught to sew on one in university years ago (theatre degree, costumes class) but since I didn't have my own, I've forgotten all that. Must put one back on my wish list. Have fun!!
Hurray for the new serger.I've looked at them but havn't been brave enough to use one. I am sure they're indespensible when it comes to making clothes, which I have decided a long time ago, is difficult to make without it looking homemade.At least a quilt you can hide under...
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