Victoria sent out three great 12" pieces of these fabrics, and we just had to make and return one 10" block. No problem!
Well, I chose my block and started cutting, only to realize that I was going to be about 1" short on the final set of green bits I had to cut. Ack! A bit of panic set in, I changed and then changed back my plan. I finally went with the original block, but made it one size smaller and added that white sashing. I liked how it turned out like a little framed picture.
My finished block for Victoria's Pixiedust Gather. It is called Me & My Shadow, by Judy Martin.

I also got myself a new toy! We went into The Chalkboard for a couple Boy Scout books, and all of us came out with a new little Playmobile treat. (The Chalkboard is a very dangerous teacher supply store for any girl who used to play school) They boys love Playmobile, but this is the first time I claimed one just for me. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful block.
That toy is so cute
The block looks always inspire me to try new designs!! I will add this one to my list.
we have a mild playmobil obsession here at my house. i love them. yours is super cute. i have one that i "let" the kids play with...a grandmother with chickens and a hen house. Your block looks great. i love the colors...and the white border really sets it off nicely
Great block and I love the new toys!!
That block is stunning! And I can see why you chose that toy, it is really cute!
That is a really beautiful block. I haven't seen one like that before.
the block is CUTE!!!
That is a really stunnin gblock Amanda! My kids and I love Playmobil too - fab range of toys.
You see! You made another creative block!
Love the red & white polka dots!
super cute!
Love the block! And the cute little toy. I'd love to have something like that to set on the big window ledge in my office.
Angela, I am finally catching on on blog-land today (I'm being really selfish and indulgent right now!) and you have so many wonderful things. I adore the quilt you made to cover the game cupboard. You are brilliant! I have the same issue at my house. Why did I not think of something like that? I also loved the tour of your sewing room, the new block in this post AND that you bought yourself some toadstool Playmobil. Awesome. (I would have done the exact same thing.)
I am just now thinking about trying to quilt. I started sewing at Easter and have not stopped since. I love the fabric in the pink/green star block. What is it? I am having a hard time just picking out fabric. Once it is picked out where do I go fro there?
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