For my month as quilter in do. Good Stitches {a Charity Bee} I thought it would be fun to have everybody try out pieced applique shapes. I asked them each to send just the finished CD-sized circle, not sewn down, in sunny yellow/orange/green.
They only had to send two, but many sent MANY! So fun. A collection hang out on the back - they're wild and crazy, unlike the evenly spaced rows on the front.
Since all the circles had finished edges, it was easy to attach them to the whole cloth front. Oh, I almost forgot how pleased I was figuring out how to get them all perfectly spaced. With 5 rows and 5 columns I evenly folded the top and creased it both horizontally and vertically for each row. Then I just pinched the circles to find the middle and placed it right on each cross made by my folds. A quick zigzag makes sure nothing pops open for the child.
Some of my very favorite green made a cute binding. I'm hoarding that print in about three colorways. I love it so.
Hopefully these Sunny Spots will bring a sunny smile to a child. It was great fun making it! Thanks Comfort team.
Now just a tad of required 1st day of school talk.....Caleb is off to High School. First time he hasn't been a walker.
The bus was supposed to be there at 6:46(am! so early!) With the first day adrenalin we were out the door just a touch early, luckily. The bus pulled away from the curb at 6:40 - a few of his neighbor friends had to run a bit to catch it.
Thank goodness for the staggered start times for our morning sanity, Kenton doesn't really have to get his day started until Caleb is out the door. So as the bus was pulling out, Kenton was just starting his morning run. (He does it every day! On his own!) Anyway, as he turned the corner for his jog, the bus thought he was running to catch it and stopped. I yelled for him to turn around and run the block clockwise today. A good morning laugh.
He's off to 7th grade.
Becket doesn't start until next Monday - we've chosen to send him to a private K-8 school. With a Different. Schedule. This will be a true test to my organizational skills this year. I'm aiming for no missed/forgotten days of school those 28 times when they're days off don't line up.
Gotta grab the browines, they're done. Yummy 1st day treat!
What a bright, fun quilt!!! Some child will certainly be pleased to receive this one! Great pictures of your boys...I didn't realize you have a high schooler now! Good luck getting back into the school swing of things. My youngest (7th grade too) has been back for a week week my middle one heads to college...whoo hoo ;-)
Love the circle quilt!!
Hope the first day went well. Hard to believe it's that time of year.
Beautiful quilt! I love the colors, especially the greens. Wow back to school already, kids aren't back quite yet here, maybe the end of next week or the week after, but getting close! We're starting to think about our options for schools for Jackson, he starts preschool next year. I'm feeling overwhelmed right now about making the decision between a waldorf inspired charter school and public school.
I love the quilt! What a great idea.
I love the quilt! That print for the binding is perfect!
Love the quilt! It turned out just beautiful. And I may have to try that design myself some day, so thanks in advance for the inspiration. :-)
let me start with this is beautiful...i love the pieced circles. and i can not believe how early you have to get up for school! ugh!!!
What a fun ask-for! The quilt is adorable.
Good luck with timing and schedules!
what a great quilt! i love the original design!
cute kids! can't believe it's already time for school!
Really 28 days? My sister's kids rode the bus with the public school kids so they had to be on the same schedule as the public schools. I guess I thought they all did that...
Yeah - it's me - the one who suggested the birthday girl open your gift last so we don't all look lame...:)
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